Chapter Fourteen

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Rain woke with a start at the sound of a loud cry and rushed to unlock the  door, flying through to the bedroom where Bret was sat bolt upright, breathing heavily and staring around himself wide eyed. In that moment, seeing him so vulnerable, she forgot all of the uncomfortable feelings between them and crossed the room swiftly to put her arms round him and hold him. Kissing his face gently, she spoke soothingly.

"It's ok, Bret, it's ok. It was just a bad dream. You're ok. You're safe." He suddenly focussed, his eyes finding her face and he sighed deeply, resting his face against her shoulder.

"Sorry," he said, embarrassed to have woken her because he'd had a nightmare.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

"Not really," he said, lifting his head and taking the opportunity to wrap his arms round her in response to the hug she was giving him. She didn't go stiff in his arms to his relief and he sighed. "I was with you in the ring and there was someone there. He was hurting you and I kept shouting, but I couldn't get to you. It was like my feet were glued to the floor." He felt her stiffen slightly and dropped a kiss on her head. "Sorry. You didn't need to hear about my bad dreams." Rain sighed and relaxed against him.

"It's ok," she said, softly. "It was just a dream."

"I'm sorry about this afternoon," he said suddenly. "Got carried away I guess and wanted to show you that I love you."

Rain sighed and drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms round them, but she didn't move out of his embrace.

"I'm sorry too. I don't want to be giving you mixed messages Bret. I hate the idea of us not being together,  but you really frightened me the other day. What I've been through in the past... it was no way to live Bret. I was on edge all the time, scared to move or say the wrong thing. The closest I've ever come to feeling like that again was when you tore into me. I know it was the post concussion and the meds talking Bret,  but some of the things you said. Well... I wonder if there was some long buried resentment there. If maybe it's what you really think?"

She glanced across at him almost nervously and Bret huffed out a sigh, his arm stiffening around her briefly before he relaxed again, shaking his head.

"None of it is what I think. You hurt me, Rain when you went to see Eva without me and I wanted to hurt you back so I took every single awful thing you've ever told me and twisted it. I know I can't take it all back Rain and I know I've hurt you real bad with it but it was a load of shit that came out of my mouth. It didn't mean a thing."

"You threw me around as well though Bret," she said, so quietly he had to strain to hear her. "You put your hands on me in anger and I can't be with someone who does that."

"There is no excuse for the way I treated you Rain, not the words or the actions but I can promise you it won't happen again. The thought of losing you... I can't even think of you not being here with me."

"But you could have any girl you wanted," she said, her voice catching on a sob. "Why would you settle for someone who carries the baggage I do?"

"Rain I have never settled for you. I pursued you from the minute I set eyes on you. I love you sweetheart, more than I could ever say. There will never be anyone else."

She sighed, shaking her head.

"I wish I could believe you Bret," she whispered. And then she got up from the bed, with another sob. "I'm sorry but I just can't. I can't." He didn't stop her from going, just flopped back on the bed, his arm over his head thinking about what she had said. In truth he hadn't thought much about the fact he had dragged her around, pushing her and manhandling her when they had their set to. He'd been more focussed on the shit coming out of his mouth and the fact he'd raised his hand to her, but now he did recall he had been exceptionally aggressive with her. Small wonder she didn't trust him and wanted to keep some space between them.

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