hook x fem! reader

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Summary: in which hook and y/n have been in a secret relationship, and decide it's time to tell taz!

Dating in the wrestling world was never easy. many always found it hard to find a way to keep their relationship a secret, with social media and fans always finding a way to put the puzzle pieces together easily. however, y/n and hook found a way to make it possible.

The pair had been together for about five months, and were both impressed by how well they could manage to keep the secret from coming out. it wasn't that they didn't want others to find out, it was more of the idea of others finding out and trying to ruin their relationship. the two enjoyed being in their own little world, and wanted to keep it that way as long as they possibly could.

The two would always find themselves spending their late nights after work together, spending their dates inside, or sneaking sweet glances to each other at work. tonight was no different, as y/n found herself with hook after dynamite. a tradition the two created well before they were together.

Before they had both decided to make things official, the two started out as friends. it wasn't until they had started the tradition of spending a night after work together just talking and eating snacks, that they both realized that their feelings for each other were mutual and they wanted things to go further.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we didn't just stay inside every week?" Hook asked y/n, as she took a bite out of the pizza the two had ordered. she smiled at his question, "all the time. what's on your mind, babe?" she questioned, knowing that there was more to the question he had just asked her. "i've been thinking a lot about how different things would be if other people knew about us. especially my dad."

hook and his dad were close. a pair that was just as close as y/n and hook were. he told his dad everything, and for him to be keeping this from him almost felt wrong to him. he didn't want his dad to think that y/n was a distraction to his career, because that's far from what she was. y/n smiled as she looked at her boyfriend, "well, if you want to tell him, i wouldn't be opposed to it. it's all on your own time, love. i just want you to tell him when you're ready." y/n answered. "i don't want you to have to overthink about it, and it would probably better for us to tell him than for him to find out." she chuckled, "even if he does scare me," she added, jokingly.
Hook smiled at her words, y/n always had a way of reassuring him that things were going to be fine. hook thought about what she had said, and decided that it would be better now than for him to find out another way. "what if we tell him tomorrow? we can tell him at breakfast." he explained. hook and his dad had planned to get food together that next morning to discuss work, he felt that telling him then would be the best time.
y/n smiled, nodding. "as long as i'm not intruding on moment with him." she said, causing him to shake his head. "i'm sure he won't mind, we invite other wrestlers often." he reassured her, as he moved to grab her hand. "i am so lucky to have you, and i think it's the perfect time." he explained, causing her smile to widen. "okay then, i'll be there." she replied. he smiled, leaving a kiss on her cheek. "perfect, i'll tell him that you're joining us tomorrow, and then we can go get some sleep before then." he said.

The next morning, y/n found herself panicking as she finished getting ready to see taz. it wasn't that she hadn't spoken to him before, she actually knew his dad pretty well, as he would always stop by and talk to her when she was at work, or congratulate her on wins. she was more so worried about what his reaction would be. would he think she wasn't good enough for his son? would he think she was just a distraction to him? hook noticed y/n taking a while to finish up getting ready, and wrapped his arms around her from behind as she was finishing her makeup in the mirror.

"you okay, baby?" he questioned. y/n turned around wrapping her arms around his neck. "just thinking," she responded. 'i just hope i get your dad's approval." she said, looking down. hook smiled, holding her tighter. "listen, i promise there is nothing to worry about. you're amazing, and i know that he will approve of you. even if he didn't, there's nothing stopping me from seeing you, even him." he chuckled, causing y/n to smile. "i love you." she said, as she stood on her tippy toes to leave a kiss on his cheek. "i love you too, and you look beautiful. i'm the luckiest man alive." he said, as he played with y/n's hair. "come on, we have to get there soon."

As the pair arrived at the café that hook and taz had chosen, y/n felt more reassured than she had before. she didn't wanna overthink, but once she saw taz sitting and waiting for the two of them to arrive she felt more nervous than ever. hook noticed, and whispered into her ear, "you're okay, i got you." he said, as they walked up to his dad.
"son!" taz said, excited to see his son. "have a seat you two." he said, as the pair took their seats in front of him inside of the booth. "y/n, nice of you to join us today. i've been seeing your matches lately, and i must say. they are amazing." y/n smiled, "thank you so much, it means a lot." she responded, hook's smile widened. "she is amazing, which is why i invited her here today to tell you-"
Before hook could finish his sentence, taz responded, "you wanted to tell me that you two are together?" he questioned, laughing. "come on, do you think i'm stupid?" he jokingly said, as he laughed. hook and y/n both froze, before both looking at each other and back to his dad. "i guess you beat me to it." hook said, chuckling. taz shook his head with a wide smile, "listen, y/n you are an amazing girl. i just want to know what you see in my son," he said, jokingly.

y/n laughed, "he's amazing, you raised a good one," she responded looking over at hook, causing taz to nod his head. "i'm glad to hear that. i'm just glad you guys finally told me. it's not like you two were that good at keeping it a secret with the way you guys would look at each other." he said, before adding, "i'm happy for you two though. y/n, welcome to the family. and son, if you hurt this girl. i'll kill ya." he added while pointing to him, right before the waiter came to take the order from the table.

A/N: This is so cute🤍

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