Chapter 3

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"Blackpaw! Training!"

Blackpaw woke up to the sound of Mangoleaf calling him for training. Blackpaw stood up, seeing the the rest of the apprentices except for Redpaw were gone from the den. Redpaw looked up as Blackpaw left the den.

"Finally, Blackpaw!" Mangoleaf growled. "What took you so long?"

The prophecy.

"I was tired." Blackpaw replied. "Can I quickly visit Stonesong? I think I have a stomachache."

Mangoleaf snorted. "Fine, I don't believe you, but go and don't be long!"

Blackpaw sighed, padding to the Medicine Cat's Den. Would Stonesong believe him, he wondered as he padded under the the draping lichen.

"Blackpaw?" Stonesong mewed in surprise as Blackpaw entered the den. "Are you hurt? Sick? What do you need?"

Blackpaw shook his head. "I had some dream. Streamstar was in it."

Stonesong went silent. Blackpaw waited, flicking his tail for her to speak.

"What did he say?" Stonesong asked at last, her voice quiet.

Blackpaw felt nervous. "He said, 'When the snow falls in leaf-bare, the sky will turn black. Beware the insect that flies by, for small things can become great threats.' "

"Streamstar..." Stonesong murmured, lost in thought. "But why Blackpaw...?"

Blackpaw remembered that Streamstar was Stonesongs father. No wonder she was so quiet.

"Blackpaw." Stonesong whispered, her voice urgent. "Meet me in the training hollow at midnight. Because you just recieved a prophecy."


Blackpaw skidded on the sandy ground, dodging Mangoleaf's attacks. He scored his mentor's shoulder, claw sheathed. Mangoleaf pretended to hiss like a DustClan warrior and leaped at Blackpaw, knocking him over.

"Oof!" Blackpaw gasped, quickly leaping to his paws. "Not today, DustClan warrior!"

Blackpaw leaped onto Mangoleaf's back, carefully keeping his claws sheathed as not to hurt his mentor, and grabbed his scruff. He pulled, flipping Mangoleaf over and putting his paw on his throat to declare victory.

"You're getting better," Mangoleaf meowed approvingly. "And it's only been a few days. That move is coming along perfectly."

Blackpaw smiled, something he'd never seen Mangoleaf do. He wondered why he had such a bright name that didn't match his personality at all.

"Now, that's it for today, let's get back to camp." Mangoleaf dismissed, much to Blackpaw's relief.

Blackpaw padded back to camp briskly, but stopped when he heard a familiar meow.

"Blackpaw, wait up!" Redpaw called.

Blackpaw turned to see the reddish apprentice skid to a halt behind him, a horrified expression on her face. She was holding something odd. Something spiky.

"Redpaw what happened?" Blackpaw hissed urgently. "Is some cat hurt? What's that you have?"

Redpaw nodded, holding the thing gingerly. "Just come! I can't explain right now, okay?"

Blackpaw shot off after Redpaw, surprised at the she-cats speed. But why did she get him? Shouldn't she have gone to get Fernstar or Stonesong? Even a warrior like Whitewhisker or Brightmoon? He was useless, a mere apprentice!

Redpaw skidded to a halt, Blackpaw almost crashing into her. He gave her a worried look.

"Look." Redpaw meowed quietly, and Blackpaw looked at what was in front of them.

And immediately wished he hadn't.

Lying very still, her pupils a pale purple and her mouth agape, was Redpaw's mentor, Brightmoon.

Short chapter, but dramatic :3

What happened to Brightmoon?
What was Redpaw holding?
What will happen next?

Comment your predictions! I'd love to read them!
- DefaultWeirdo

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