Chapter 19

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Blackpaw padded back to camp, lost in thought about the things Figstorm and Pebblepaw had said. They had mentioned convincing him to do something, then getting Willowpaw and Stonesong "out of the way". But then they said that Snowpaw wasn't a problem. Why was that? Was Snowpaw hiding something?

"Don't tell anyone about our little training session," Waterwish told him, giving him a wink. "They won't like it."

Blackpaw nodded. He looked around camp. Fernstar was watching over the Clan, Oakfoot and Whitewhisker were pushing past him to go hunting, and Willowpaw was chatting with Ravenpaw. As the two she-cats purred and whispered to each other, an image of Honeypaw appeared in his mind. He shook his head to clear it. They were friends, but they were still from rival Clans. Why was he thinking of her instead of his own Clanmates?

"Hey, Blackpaw!" A cheerful voice called out.

He turned to see Redpaw approching him, her green eyes shining. "Oh, hey, Redpaw."

"We were going to go hunting after training, remember?" She reminded him, smiling.

He realised he did promise her that. "Oh, er, yeah, let's go. I'll just tell Mango- I mean Waterwish."

Redpaw nodded, and he padded off towards the CaveClan deputy. He'd forgotten about that. He just wanted to go to his nest and sleep. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend time with his denmate.

"Waterwish?" He meowed as his mentor's head turned to look at him. "I'm going to go hunting with Redpaw. Is that okay?"

Waterwish nodded then turned back to talking to Fernstar. Blackpaw darted back to Redpaw.

"Let's go," She mewed.

As they padded into the forest, Blackpaw noticed that Leaf-fall, although it had already come, was starting to change the territory. Leaves were changing from green to yellow and red, and the air wasn't as warm. He glanced at Redpaw, who was padding along, her red fur glowing in the weak sunlight and a smile on her face.

"So..." He began. "Er, where should we hunt?"

Redpaw paused. "Maybe... How about Trailstones? We could patrol the border while we're hunting?"

"Yeah, good idea," Blackpaw agreed. "We'll do that."

He didn't want to go to Trailstones. He might see Honeypaw again. And he didn't know what would happen if he did. But he couldn't tell Redpaw that.

"Race you there!" Redpaw purred, beginning to run towards Trailstones.

Blackpaw raced after her, feeling like he could forget all his worries. Just for a while. He ran as fast as he could, trying to keep Redpaw in sight. She was fast. He put on a burst of speed and raced past her. He laughed as a surprised expression appeared on her face and she tried to run faster. He spotted Trailstones and tried to stop, only to trip and get a faceful of stones. He leaped to his paws as he heard Redpaw purring in amusement.

"You're so clumsy!" Redpaw teased. "Anyway, I won!"

Blackpaw smiled. "No, I got here first."

"You tried to dig into the stones!" She retorted.

Blackpaw nudged her. "Does that really count?"

"Yes, it does!" Redpaw laughed.

Blackpaw laughed too, then felt his pelt prickle. His eyes darted towards the border. Honeypaw was standing a few fox-lengths from the border, a mouse in her jaws. She was watching them, a sad look on her face. He wished he could ask her what was wrong. But he couldn't do that.

Blackpaw padded back to camp with a vole in his jaws, Redpaw walking alongside him with two squirrels as her own catch. He'd never really thought about it before, but he realised how weird his life was.

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