Chapter 12

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"Blackpaw, look!"

Blackpaw turned to see Snowpaw proudly holding a rabbit in her jaws. He smiled.

"Great catch!" He mewed.

He, Snowpaw, Appleheart and Mangoleaf were in a hunting party. Mangoleaf was returning, a crow and a siskin in his jaws, followed by Appleheart, who had caught a vole. Blackpaw unburied his two mice and lizard proudly.

"It's great to be catching this much in Leaf-fall," Appleheart purred. "But I guess the prey doesn't really start hiding until the third moon of the season."

Blackpaw silently agreed with the wise cat. Although he was nearly as old and wise as Waterwish and Leafclaw, he wouldn't retire for a good few moons. Blackpaw just hoped the CaveClan deputy would. Waterwish had been creeping him out ever since the day of the fox fight. He would greatly appreciate it if he would spend the rest of his days in elders' den.

"Let's get this fresh-kill back to camp," Mangoleaf's mew broke through his thoughts. "And quickly. I want to check the Trailstones. Pretty sure I got a whiff over the border and I want to make sure it was stale, drifting scent."

Blackpaw knew Mangoleaf was thinking of the time when Volestar took prey from them. Fernstar had refused a battle, saying it wasn't worth it, and it could start a war. Clearly the other cats were thinking of it too, because their fur bristled. As they returned to camp, Blackpaw saw Beepaw padding to Snowpaw, his eyes shining. Blackpaw looked away and saw Willowpaw staring, too.

"You can stay and rest," Mangoleaf told him.

Blackpaw shook his head. "I want to go with you!"

"No," His mentor replied simply. "I'll take Beepaw. It seems he could use some time away from your sister." He added teasingly.

Blackpaw padded over to Treeheart as the young medicine cat left the den. The brown and cream toms eyes were darkened with worry and he paced to and fro.

"What's the matter?" Blackpaw asked.

Treeheart shook his head. "Just worried about my duties. We need more comfrey."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Blackpaw meowed. "Do you want me to help you look?"

Treeheart smiled. "You're too kind. No, I don't need help."

Blackpaw watched his friend's brown and cream tail disappear through the cave exit. He sighed, picking a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile and eating it in a few brisk bites. He washed his whiskers, feeling bored for the first time since he became an apprentice. Just then, Mangoleaf and Beepaw rushed into camp, Beepaw with fury on his face.

"What has happened?" Fernstar demanded.

Beepaw hissed in anger. "DustClan happened!"

The CaveClan cats in the clearing were hissing in anger and defiance. Snowpaw rushed over to Beepaw, cursing DustClan under her breath.

"They didn't know we were there," Beepaw growled. "And crossed the border, right in front of us! They were hunting! Me and Mangoleaf ran back as soon as we knew they had no mercy on our prey."

To Blackpaw's surprise, his own fur stayed flat. Maybe Honeypaw's ambition to have peace between the Clans had taken a hold on him.

"We will attack at once!" Beepaw yowled. "We will not surrender to DustClan!"

Yowls of agreement rose up. Blackpaw was appalled at how they listened to an eight-moon-old apprentice and not their leader. Didn't Beepaw or the others have any respect for Fernstar?

"Stop!" The brown tabby leader growled, silencing the Clan. "I can't believe you! My Clan, wanting to go to battle without having the word of their leader!"

No cat spoke. Even Beepaw was amazed by how much the CaveClan leader made them realize.

"We will attack, but not without a plan," Fernstar meowed, her voice firm. "We will attack their camp at sunset. Waterwish, Stormwhistler, Appleheart, Ivyfall, Nettlestem, Oliveleaf, Thrushsong, Nightflower, Blackpaw, Redpaw and Beepaw will be on the attack party. The rest of you will stay and guard the camp in case DustClan attacks."

Blackpaw felt a weird uneasiness in his paws as he heard his name being called. He was relieved that none of his siblings were in the patrol, but the mention of his mother's name worried him. He hadn't spent much time with Nightflower ever since he started his training, and he knew any battle could be her last. At sunset, the battle would begin. And there was a chance at least one life would be lost.

"You're so lucky!" Willowpaw mumbled as she padded over to him. "I wanted to go to the battle and rip those prey-stealers to shreds!"

Blackpaw shivered. "Do you really? I'm not sure I want to."

Willowpaw gawped at him.

"But they broke the warrior code!" Willowpaw protested. "They can't be forgiven for that!"

Blackpaw shook his head. "Surely they can't all be like that? There are always some good cats in each Clan who want peace that is a whisker out of reach. No matter what, those cats will always suggest their ideas with the most peaceful solution. They go out of their way to help those who need it. There are always cats who are like that in each Clan. What do you think?"

Willowpaw stared for a moment. "I'm hungry."

Blackpaw snorted and walked away, feeling angry. Did other cats not understand? Did they not see how no Clan is pure evil, just the cat they are led by? After all this time, surely some other cat, long ago, thought the same thoughts he was thinking now? Knowing and seeing the good in other cats, so deep down that the cats themselves didn't care to find it? He sighed.

Maybe no one else did, or never will.


Blackpaw crouched in his nest, hardly being able to rest before the battle. He pricked his ears, and turned to see Beepaw ripping apart his nest. The cream tabby had been so restless since the battle was announced, and all the cats were preparing for the attack on DustClan's camp. He heard the scraping stop and noticed Beepaw had stopped shredding his nest. Blackpaw realised why when he saw Snowpaw arrive.

"Hey, Snowie," Beepaw purred. "Sorry you have to miss the battle. I'll tell you all about it when I get back!"

Blackpaw stifled a snort. Snowie?

"Don't worry, Beepaw," Snowpaw reassured him, resting her tail-tip on his shoulder. "I'll be fine."

Blackpaw stood up and poked his head out of the den. Fernstar was standing on the Cavestone, flicking her tail for the attack patrol to gather. Blackpaw flattened his ears as Beepaw shouldered past him, nudging him aside as he headed toward the other cats. Blackpaw watched Fernstar gather her patrol and leap off the Cavestone.

"Let's go." She murmured.

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