Part 19

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"I wonder if the decorations are looking a little tired..."

Elizabeth was sitting in the parlour with her husband, awaiting the first arrivals for their much-anticipated masquerade ball. She had dedicated much of the day to arranging things just so in the ballroom, and after dressing quickly she now turned her attention to the parlour. "Perhaps I ought to run outside and cut some more greenery. What do you think?"

"I think you are nervous." Darcy looked up from his seat and smiled at his pretty wife who had not yet put on her mask. "Why? It is only a ball. We have hosted them before."

"Once!" Elizabeth hissed. "Once, I have hosted a ball here and that was safe in the knowledge that any guests would give the new Mrs Darcy a good deal of grace for her first effort." She frowned, poking at the cut greenery on the mantelpiece until it lay a little more neatly. At least Georgiana's snowflakes and their gold-paper stars still sparkled happily amidst the wilted leaves.

"And everything went perfectly well that evening, did it not?" Darcy stood and crossed the room to stand beside her, taking hold of her hands before she could do any more damage to the existing decorations. "Do not worry, Lizzy! We have invited friends and neighbours - people who like us and are delighted to spend the evening celebrating Christmas in the middle of summer." He pulled a face. "I expected rather more resistance to that idea but I fear we have begun a trend, and next year every great house in Derbyshire will do likewise. We shall celebrate Christmas a dozen times over, I'll wager."

"I am not worried about that," Elizabeth said, at last meeting her husband's eyes and feeling a little comforted by the love she saw in them.

"Then what?"

"It is..." Lizzy hesitated. "Georgiana. And Colonel Fitzwilliam."

Darcy's warm smile became a frown.

"I know what you are going to say," Lizzy protested. "You have told me already you think my imagination is working itself into a fervour over nothing, but I do so long for them to be as happy together as we are. Do not you think they could be?"

"If they wished to be," Darcy said, quietly. "But, Lizzy, I think we have been mistaken in seeing an attachment where there is none. I told you, I discussed the matter with Richard -"

Lizzy sniffed.

"He did not own to any feelings beyond what was due to Georgiana as his close friend and cousin." Darcy shook his head. "I should have been able to tell if he were not truthful."

"Because he would never wish to keep his true feelings concealed from you, Georgiana's brother, who might disapprove of the match."

"Why should I disapprove?" Darcy's voice had a sharp edge to it and Lizzy realised she had hurt him. She smiled apologetically, before standing on tiptoes to offer a penitent kiss.

"I did not mean that unkindly. It is have such deep concern for your sister - as you should! - that I can well imagine Colonel Fitzwilliam might think himself not suitable for her. He is but a second son, you know, and not wealthy."

"He is not a pauper!"

"And, of course, he is quite a bit older than her..."

"As if age should be any barrier to true affection!"

Lizzy grinned, thinking that this was a reversal of their former discussions of the matter. Here, it sounded as if Darcy was the one trying to persuade his wife of the suitability of the match. He seemed to recognise the incongruity at the same moment as she did and shook his head, fighting a smile.

"I have a suggestion, my dear Lizzy," he said, lowering his head to hers and speaking a whisper that grew rapid at the sound of footsteps approaching the parlour. "Let us agree that we shall forget whatever collective nonsense our shared imaginations conjured about Georgiana and Richard and leave fate well enough alone. I have my own bitter experience of trying to rush an affection that was not certain, and I should not wish to see anyone else repeat my mistakes."

"Nor mine," Elizabeth said, with a smile. "Then we are agreed. Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam will remain as they ever were. Cousins and friends and nothing more." She sighed. "What a pity, for I so would have enjoyed having another wedding to plan..."

"Then perhaps you ought to turn your attention to your sisters who remain unmarried. You have two more yet to find husbands for..."

"Who are we finding husbands for?"

Colonel Fitzwilliam swept into the room, catching the last of Darcy's words and sensing a joke.

"Nobody." Elizabeth shot her husband a look and turned to greet Colonel Fitzwilliam with a warm smile. "I hope you are ready to dance this evening, Colonel Fitzwilliam! I am afraid that, as a guest in these parts, you will be highly sought after by all the young ladies in attendance, with or without your mask."

He bowed in gratitude and offered his arm to Elizabeth.

"As long as my host will not deny me the honour of at least one dance by her side. Do you realise, Mrs Darcy, in all our long time of knowing one another we have never yet danced together?" He winked at Darcy. "It is a fortunate thing, I suppose, for I dare say it might have caused you to fall in love with me and then, dear me! How differently things would have turned out!" He laughed and Lizzy joined in after a glance at her husband to ensure that Darcy found the joke amusing. Their complicated courtship had become a tale to be told and retold amongst friends but she knew there were still moments in their shared history that neither of them cared to revisit. How many things might have conspired to keep us apart, not least my own stubborn opinions! And yet, now that we are married, I cannot conceive of any person I would be happier to spend my life with. She glanced at Colonel Fitzwilliam, who had tugged off his mask, temporarily, and was listing off his plans for the forthcoming ball with all his usual good humour and self-deprecation. If only I could secure a similar degree of happiness for Colonel Fitzwilliam. If not with Georgiana, then perhaps with another of the young ladies who will be here this evening. I am determined my midsummer Christmas celebrations will end in romance for somebody!

Her mind began to whirl furiously as she pieced together potential partnerships. She did not notice Georgiana creep in to join the room, nor the way Colonel Fitzwilliam's head turned towards her, his eyes brightening and smile widening as if all could only be truly well with him now that she was here.

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