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*3rd person pov*

In a luxurious penthouse a teen could be seen having a spa in a hot tub, he sighs while looking at the sky as the sun shined on his shades.

Y/N: 'No new missions from anyone ever sense my parents died, they probably forgot they had a son.'

His phone on the side of the tub started ringing so he picked it up to see it's from an unknown caller. He answered and put it on speaker.

Y/N: "This is Y/N speaking."

???: "Aaah, you must be the son of the legendary bounty hunter's."

Y/N pulled his shades off and put them aside while getting serious.

Y/N: "How do you know of me."

???: "Your father told me once about you and your mother rambled on, all it was is that your gonna take up there mantle and how good you were."

Y/N: "So what if I am, what are you gonna do about it?"

???: *Laughs* "Relax kid I'm not here to make threats, I'm here to give you a job."

That interested Y/N as he started to relax.

Y/N: "Okay, what's the job and pay."

???: "First you need to know about me. *Clears throat* I am the CEO of JC Jenson."

Y/N was a little surprised at this, but then again he would work with dictators and so on.

Y/N: "The CEO of a large company calling me, I should feel honored."

JC: "Don't be, now this is an extermination type job. I'm sure you and your father or mother done that right?"

Y/N: "Yep, just what type is it?"

JC: "Well that's the thing, you know of the incident in Copper 9?"

Y/N: "Not really, locals won't speak up about it."

JC: "I'll give it to you in short. The reactor for the planet exploded and iced over the whole population instead for the robots, if you see where I'm going with this you can stop me now."

Y/N: "I guess I get it, I just need to kill the rest of them right?"

JC: "Ding, ding, ding we have a winner! So, are you up for it?"

Y/N thought it over before getting out of the tub and put on a towel while walking through his house.

Y/N: "How much is the pay."

JC: "As much as you want."

Y/N stopped while looking questioninly at his phone.

Y/N: "Your really gonna give me the chance to make you go bankrupt."

JC: "N-not that much. How about 5 million."

Y/N: "10 million with the added bonus to keep your employees shut about this."

JC: *Sigh* "Deal, just make sure this doesn't get to the public. I REALLY don't want my reputation to go down."

Y/N: "You got it. I am the son of the best mercenaries in the world after all."

JC: "Yeah, yeah. It still surprises me how Rose Wilson and John Wick had a kid. To imagine Deathstroke and Baba yaga training their son, *Shivers* sounds like a nightmare."

Y/N turns to see his fathers and mothers old gear in a case, right by his.

Y/N: "They were good people at the end of the day. So, when should I be leaving."

My trophy (Male TF Lockdown reader x Murder drones) Where stories live. Discover now