chapter sixty two

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In the shadow of the darkness down the tunnel, Sunoo watched with intense interest as the girl was the first one to take a step down the stairs

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In the shadow of the darkness down the tunnel, Sunoo watched with intense interest as the girl was the first one to take a step down the stairs.

His gaze settled on her head of brown hair which fell down her back, framing her like flickering flames against the walls. Her skin was illuminous in this hidden corner. Limbs of shadows reached out towards her as if all they desired was a warm embrace, as though her natural glow would fight off the dismal mist that surrounded them.

He was nowhere near close enough to any kind of knowledge about a secret room inside the archives for their goddess. And he was not even attentive enough to call for any of his friends to follow them here before doing anything.

He was supposed to do so if any new magic were to reach for the girl ahead of him.

When they finally made it down the steps winding down to the end of the tunnel, he hesitated. Sunoo could swore he could feel a presence behind them, but ignored it as his company's full attention were onto the copper door before them, as if whatever is in there is all she ever wanted to see.

Y/N pulled to a stop and turned sideways to Sunoo.

"Reserare", she whispered. Her voice died in the silence of the boy who were too surprised she knew the language.

The door in front of them unlocked with an eerie creak.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she reached out for the doorknob, which were even more strange in Sunoo's eyes. It was molded in the shape of a moon.

The girl turned back to face him, who now stood stock-still, wide-eyed and gaping at the door slowly moving aside for him to see through the other side as it reveal a secret passage way shrouded in darkness and moisture.

"Why do I have a feeling I've been here before?", Y/N asked, her words slightly shaky.

Sunoo knew the answer for it all too well.

Sunoo stared in awe as he stood at the end of a long, dimly lit hallway

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Sunoo stared in awe as he stood at the end of a long, dimly lit hallway. Dozens of tall towering pillars loomed over his head, entwined with carved marble moon whose edges glistened in the lowlight of blue.

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