2. On again Of Again

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Cale came back

He knew he would

How could he not

Those People


No Way of Knowing how to take care of those plants!

He can't leave them-the plabts alone

So he comes back

Again and Again

He may also sneak some treats that they have on the table

Just a little!

And its so good how could he not!?

So Cale starts happily going to thier garden and helping about

Then going home and sleeping

Yes This is the Life


"Today The HollowBerry Cafe will be serving us a special meal at thier Cafe"

"Really?!"Lily asked excitedly

"Yes I heard much about them and Well I asked if they could have a day to serve us there food"

"They said yes?" Violan asked

"Of Course! As long as we come after hours as to not disturb customers"

"Alright" Violan said

Lily started to talk excitedly with Basen who as well was very excited

Cale was shocked

Finally he get to try there food


Oh...What have I done in my past life that got the gods to hate me so much

Cale cries internally

Welp...time to die

"Cale...Son Will You come?"
Deruth asked apprehensively

Not knowinw if Cale will say yes or not

"Yes Father I will come" Cale sighs then gets up and leave

"Wait You didn't eat!" Deruth called

"Im not hungry"

Cale leaves and goes back to the cafe garden

But Someone is already there

"Ah..." Cale spoke and wanted to hit himself like the idiot he is Ah? Thats what he first spoke to one of the owners of the Cafe of thr Garden he had been breaking into for the past month!?


"I can feel your thoughts screaming off you kid"

"Im not a kid!"


Cale Denies the Claim

He denies it he does not pout

"So Your Here for the garden I presume"


"Whats Your Name"

"You Don't know who I am?" Cale feels offended he made such a great trash reputation how could someone so close to the county not know who he is!?

"I know who you are but You tell me whats your name"


He knows Im the trash of the count family he probably knows the ruckus I cause

But He wants to know My name


"Your Weird Old Man"

The Man Laughs

"Well Aren't we all?" The man says


"Weird To me Im completely normal but to you im not but to me your also weird I met people who think they are completely ordinary but some things they do are quite strange"

"Huh I guess Your Right"

"So I ask you once again Who are you?"

"Im Cale"

And the Man Smiles like him just knowing Cale just telling the man his name made him the richest and Happiest Person in the world


What a weird guy

"Whats Your Name?"


Tell Me Who do you think it is?

Totally not because I forgot or anything


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