Milliot hcs but i just copied them from my discord acc

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- T4t autistic couple<3
- Milly listens to Elliot talk about the Stanley Parable and she finds him adorable

- When Milly has her panic attacks before concerts, Elliot holds her and doesn't let go until she's ready<3333

- Be more chill

- They were both theatre kids

-When their school did newsies Milly was Katherine and Elliot was Jack

-Picnic Dates!!

- florist and tattoo artist real

- They fall asleep on Elliot's bed and wake up the next morning

- Elliot confessed first

- They met at theatre club and confessed a year later on the club trip to carowinds

- Elliot gets teased by Jake and Zoey

- They both love each other's hair

More Milliot hcs!!!!

-They are so lovey dovey it makes even Luke and Zander sick

-They have playlists for each other and they're mainly bmc and Melanie Martinez

- Milly helps Elliot through their meltdowns

- Elliot asked Hailey to teach him guitar to impress Mills

- They dye each others hair<3333

- Elliot was the first one Milly came out to

- Elliot likes taking Milly's jacket and she takes it's glasses

- They binge Ninjago together

- Elliot's fav is Jay and Milly's is Nya

- Constantly jokingly fight if the new designs look better ( Elliot thinks they do)

- Hugs from behind and neck kisses<333

- Double date with Draisy

luv them🤭<333

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