chapter. 13

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Viyas pov.

The last thing I remembered seeing was the shocked expression of Shoto Todoroki before everything went black again. Going back-and-forth between living and death. I wasn't sure what it was this time.
I could hear a soft beeping and low murmuring. But other than that, I felt no pain, I wasn't cold, there wasn't even a smell in the air around me.

"Take the God damn cuffs off her, and that mask. Be happy I don't report you to your sergeant."

Again, still alive, my body is more resilient than my spirit at this point. I was just so tired that I was going to embrace the sweet release of death, just from how exhausting it was to fight to stay alive. It was overrated, but here I am. When I started moving, there was resistance on my hands. Blinking a few times, my vision started to come back.

It took me a second to realize where I was. It was a hospital, and from what I could tell, it was a recovery room. The compound for the HPSC had one that looked just like this, They were very authentic, apparently.

"She's a victim, Stop treating her like a criminal.
Innocent until proven guilty, now do your job."

Handcuffed to the hospital bed, that damn mask Kai had put on me was still on. Yea, It definitely felt like innocent until proven guilty. The cuffs made a metal sound, and a shadow moved on the other side of the room, which caught my attention. Long black hair, scarf. Fuck, Shota fucking Aizawa. The last personal memories I have of him were him and my brother sitting at the kitchen table doing homework together.
I've watched them both from afar for years now, graduating, becoming teachers, getting married, and adopting the one and only child that was saved from Kai.
Our eyes met, and mine narrowed. That pit of anger, jealousy. All of my feelings resurfaced.

"Hizashi.... She's awake."

Aizawas said, I darted my gaze to the door. It was propped open. And sure as shit, there stood my brother. In normal clothes for once. Hair tied back in a bun, jeans, a white t shirt.
We stared at each other for a moment. Everything fell silent until Aizawa spoke.

"Officers, go ahead and unlock her handcuffs, And take that mask off of her. I'll remain in the room so she won't be able to use her quirk. This investigation is being moved to the pro hero society, so we will no longer be needing your services."

Two cops pushed past Hizashi, That was when I looked away from him. My eyes bounced between the two cops. Suddenly, I became stiff. They removed the handcuffs, and the one on the right side started fiddling with my mask. I moved away and glared up at him.

To them, I probably looked like a wild animal. He held his hands up, showing me his palms as a sign of saying he meant no harm.
There was a tap at my foot, and I looked down seeing Aizawa. His hair was floating up, and his eyes were red. Clear indication he was treating me the same.

"They aren't going to hurt you. Just let them figure out how to get the mask off."

I nodded, and he backed up, He kept his quirk activated, though. Using my quirk was the only way of escaping. I went from one cage to another. It took the cops a solid 5 minutes to get the mask off. Once they did, the pressure being released almost made me wince and sigh in relief at the same time. Once it, and the handcuffs were off the cops left quickly. I'm sure I looked a mess.

Looking to the left of me now that there wasn't some big ass cop in the way, there was a sink about five feet away with a mirror above. The area around my mouth was bruised from the mask, and my eyes were swollen and poofy from all the crying, i was afraid to see what the rest of me looked like.

Holding my stomach, I looked down. The knife was gone. It took me some time, but I pushed the blanket down just to my lap, lifting the patient gown. From my belly button to my hips was covered in goz wrapping, there was patching sround where he had burned me.

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