chapter. 16

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Alys pov.

After that long intense conversation with that walking desperation for Vaseline, I honestly started to feel bad for the league... I never thought in my wildest days I would admit that... But they were right our systems is broken not that I give a hell about that or them, but I still could pity them from afar... way way far away from me and if that got me to that solution, so be it, my complaining seemed to get Under that used match stick skin so he had the balls to tie me up and ducted my mouth and dragged me out to the middle of nowhere.... I know it had been just laying in the backseat sideways. He kept checking some kind of device. It wasn't exactly a phone, but it was small enough to be like one maybe a tracker I wasn't sure.
It wasn't until I saw the familiar black SUV pulling up it was no different than any other SUV besides one little detail , and that was a small red metal feather as the emblem on the top of the hood.

I could see my husband in the driver seat, looking just as serious as ever we locked eyes before the car even rolled to a stop and a shiver ran down my back. Something in me told me I'd probably be safer with Dabi at the moment, but that truth only made my pussy clinch that much harder. Oh hell he was mad at me He told me last time if I got kidnapped again, it would be my ass. And I don't know if he meant take me out like a Sims character locked me in a room and set it on fire or fuck me to death, either way, I'd be happy... well the one where he dicked me down first be much better.

We had this little string competition going on for what felt like forever before he finally got out of the car. Suddenly, the air became so thick. You could cut it with a knife, but I didn't say anything not that I could with the TV over my mouth, though dabi shifted stood more straight. He was leaning against the car but the moment my husband got out the car he became all serious we watched as keigo walked around the other side and open the door. I could already hear Viya yelling, and I couldn't help with glare over at her man. Giving him the " why didn't she get duct taped?" Look, but he didn't even give me a glance, his eyes focused on her.

"You stupid fucking chicken, if the two of you ever try to play wife swap like this again, I will tell you both to each other and throw you in the middle of the sea. Don't ask how I'll get you there. Don't worry about it but it will happen."

I made some kind of grumbling noise , I mean, she was right, but she wasn't about to talk to my man like that. anybody's gonna chew him out it's gonna be me and they're definitely going to be a lot of chewing out once this tape got off my damn mouth she's got her own burnt out to worry about. Let me worry about my chicken nugget I let out a huff and Dabi grabbed my arm, pulling me to walk to the center between the two cars. Keigo grabbed V and I growled.... Actually growled at him.... Starting to learn the etiquette of duct tape. I guess it seem to get his attention, though he looked down at me but still gave me that plane serious expression. my glare and mumbles became stronger first he's gonna have that bitch in my car and then the next thing he's gonna do is touch her right in front of me... yeah, he definitely gonna have to die now..

"I see my wife is in one piece"

The first thing keigo says and it honestly feels like he's disappointed by his own words. Damn, he was really pissed well guess we could be mad together. Evil twin evil twin, if you don't get a move on and get me out of here.

" Likewise"

Dabi said, My attention shifted to V, she was just kind of looking between the two of them shocked I guess how she wasn't chewing them both out with her mouth and covered in all is beyond me.. they are lucky that these roles are reversed for once. It seem like the two of them moved in unison, Dabi pushed me with his left hand and Keigo caught me with his right and vice versa for V. At the exact same time. I however, tripped over a rock in the middle of this muddy ass field and ended up face planting right into keigos chest. Which again he didn't even look down at me or give me a second thought., he just placed both his hands on my shoulders and studied me. The two seem to have some kind of staring contest going on before keigo grab my arm I'm in a painful hole and turned me towards the car. Opening the backseat and throwing me in as if I weighed nothing not even taking off my restraints or duct tape. Reason to kill this man number two.
He got in the car and whipped it so fast that I became a ping-pong ball in the backseat, my ankles cracking into the door and then my feet and then my ankles again I let out a muffled groan and swore through the tape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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