15. Maaa....

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Fai : he has not became mafia willing..... He was forced to .....

Jan : forced to ???

Fai : ( took deep breath ) vibha aunty , buddy s mom was a mafia .....

jan : what !!!!!

fai : hmmmm..... she was know as MAA in underworld .......

avi was just silently listening while jan was to shock to say anything ......

Jan : faisu please say everything clearly... I am not getting anything

Faisu : (after taking a deep breath)  i don't know how aunty became mafia ..... The accident in which vibha aunty passed away that was not an accident , it was a planned murder by devil.... The break of the car was failed.... Devil s plan was to kill aunty and sid both .... When vibha aunty got to know this, it was to late... They were  close to cliff....

Jan : then.....

Faisu : both the brothers were unaware of this mafia thing till vibha aunty told everything to sid on last moment..... And when they were very close to cliff vibha aunty throw sid out of the car.... And the car fell from the cliff and blasted....

Faisu : unfortunately, when sid was thrown out ..... his head was hitted by a stone and he went to coma for 6 months....

Avi / jan : 😨😨😨😨😨

Faisu : after that sid determined to teach a lesson to devil.....

After that they silently finish their dinner and head back to uncle s house to pick Sid .....

its 10 in the night and faisu , avneet and jan was waiting for sid outside ramesh uncles house ...... After waiting for somewhat 10 min Sid came out........ He was talking with uncle and was also laughing.......

Sid then finally said bye to uncle and came near front gate ...... He bring out his phone and was going to call faisu when he hears car horn . He look towards the source of sound and find trio waiting for him ....... He went near the car and sat inside .....

Sid : ( wearing seatbelt ) let s go .....

Without any objection fai started the car ........

Fai : i was thinking ...... To spent night in the near by hotel only ....

Sid don't know what to say ..... So , he just nobbed ......

At 11:30 PM

Jan and avneet were sitting in the garden of hotel .....It's view was mind-blowing..... They were loving it and somewhat they feel it relaxing....... Sid and fai also came there after getting freshen up .......

Sid and fai sat on the opposite bench of janneet ....

After sometimte Sid stood up from his place , went infront of jan ..... Jan look towards him ....... Sid seat on his both knees infront of jan and took both the hands of her in his ....

Jan : if you are here to give some stupid excuse then please don't ........

Sid : i have not came here to give any stupid excuse..... Hmmmm ...... ( Looking down and with tearly eyes ) I am sorry .....

Jan came to know that sid was crying when his tears fell on his hand .....

Sid : ( controlling his tears and looking down ) i am so so sorry ..... Please forgive me .......

Jan : ( stood up and also made Sid stood up ) bawlee..... Please stop crying ( wiping his tears ....)

Sid : ( looking into her eyes ) i had already lost enough relation , now i can't afford to lose any single relation ....

With that jannat hugged him ...... Very very tightly ...... Sid also hug her back

Jan : I am also very sorry... I just over reacted.... I should have think that, if you had hide something from me then it must be for my safety only....

After that they broke the hug and spent some time chit chatting

After sometime.... They went to sleep .....

Next day , Sid was driving the car ....

Sid : avneet .... What is the address of your relative??

Avi : &@#₹+₹₹&

Sid : okay ....

Jan : to whose house you are going ??

Avi : my mama .... He lives alone ....

Jan : okay .....

Within 20 min they reach at the address ..... All of them came out of the car to drop avneet ..... But to their luck , the main door was locked ...

Fai : avneet , the door is closed .... Are you sure about the address??

Avi : yahh !! Faisu I was 100 percentage sure .... How can I mistake in the address of my mama s house ....

Jan : but the door is locked !! Now ???

Avi : wait , let me call mama ....

Avi called her mama ....

Avi : hello .... Mama ...

SM : yes avneet.... How are you ??

Avi : i am fine mama .... How are you ??

SM : i am also fine ...

Avi : mama .... Hmmm ... Where are you now ???

SM : i had came to new york to meet Diya ( his daughter ) . She was calling me since so many months so I decided to visit her ....

Avi : ohhh ....

SM : but why you asked ??

Avi : i was thinking to visit you but you were not here ....

SM : ohh !!

Avi : okay mama !!! Bye .... Take care ... Will call you later ...

After disconnecting call ...

Jan : what he said ??

Avi : he told he had went to new york to meet his daughter.....

Fai : ohh !! God now ...

Sid : any other relative??

Avi : no

Jan : yes ...

Trio looked at her in confusion

Jan : aree baba !! I lived alone ... So you can live with me .....

Avi : ummmm .....

Jan : do you have any problem.... ??

Avi : no ...

Jan : then it's final .... You are living with me

Saying this she hugged her .....

They were on their way to Mumbai ..... Sid was driving....

Fai : buddy !!!

Sid : hmm ....

Fai : what uncle said ???

Sid : about what ??

Fai : you went to uncle for convincing him !! Right ...

Sid : yahh !!

Fai : then what he said ?? As per I know he would have not easily convinced for cancelling the marriage ....

Votes : 30

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