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The next day, you were back in the office, going through some files, when it knocked on the door. You expected to see Tony, who maybe finally woke up; as you were leaving this morning he was still asleep. You walked over to the door and opened it. You were surprised to see Steve.

"Steve? What are you doing here?" You said, smiling, trying to be polite. "Y/N, hi." He flashed you his perfect teeth. "Can I come in?" He asked and you stepped out of the way and let him get inside. He took a seat on the couch and looked at you. "So?" You said, smiling a bit uncomfortable. You didn't exactly know the guy in front of you, but what you knew was that Tony didn't like him at all.

Your gaze glided down his body, seeing him wearing a dark blue button up shirt with black pants. He looked pretty handsome, muscles visible under his clothes. "Well, I had a question for you." He said, and you smiled. "Yes." You replied. You noticed how he looked down, like he was embarrassed. "So, kinda, there is this girl..." He rambled, the last part being so quiet you could barely hear it. Though, you looked at him in excitement. "Oh, I'm happy for you Steve!" You exclaimed happily. By now, he seemed to have gained back his confidence and smiled up at you. "Thank you. Well, now to my question, I wanna take her out." He said, eyes somehow dreamily. "That's really nice, but I don't quite understand my part in this." You asked. "Yeah, that's where it is, I don't know anything about this kind of stuff." He said, looking down to his lap. "And?" You still didn't understand him. "Could you help me, please? I don't know who else I should ask." You were about to protest but then saw his sad expression, so yours softened. "Well, uh, why don't you ask Natasha?" You asked and his eyes widened at the mention of her name. "I-" He broke mid-sentence. "Oh my god! You're into Natasha!" You yelled, smiling widely. "Hey, hey, keep quiet." He mumbled and you saw some blush on his face. Cute. "Okay, okay, you got my help." You said. "Really?" He looked into your eyes, as his were shining and you nodded. "It's just, that, I'm sorry, but I got to work." You said and shrugged and looked at him apogetically. "Oh, of course, obviously!" He laughed and you smiled, before laughing along with him. "We'll just exchange numbers and I'll call you?" He said, between a question and a statement. "Sounds good." You smiled up at him. You gave him your number and led him towards the door. "It was nice, seeing you, Steve." You smiled. "You too, I'll see you around." He replied, happily. With that, he left your office.

Later that day, you were sitting in the hallway waiting for a meeting with your boss. Your mind wandered back to yesterday and you smiled uncontrollably, thinking of Tony. Your smile fell when you remembered he asked you to move into his house, well... mansion. You weren't sure about it yet; being this close to him could he nice, but also create a lot of fights, which wouldn't be good for your mental health.

Tony woke up this morning, laying in an empty bed. He wasn't used to waking up there, not at all when the sun was shining. He sat up in bed running his hand through his hair. He thought of yesterday and a small smile showed off on his lips. You managed to make him sleep.

After not finding you in the house, he figured you were at work. He went down to the lab, resetting some engines in his cars. "Mr. Stark, your assistent is asking to come in." Jarvis, the AI spoke. Tony licked his lips before speaking in approval. Soon after, he heard the sound of high heels, echoing through the house and a young woman, peeked her head inside the lab. "Mr. Stark." She spoke, obviously flirting with him. "Claire." He replied, cold.
"It's Cassy, actually."

In the evening, Jarvis let you inside the house and you made your way down to the lab. You exchanged a few words with Tony, who seemed to be happy to see you, unusual feeling, you could say. "So, what were you doing all day, huh?" You asked, hands on his strong shoulders. He wore a black tanktop, in which he looked hot. "Just some tinkering, you know." He spoke looking at you over his shoulder. "So, you've been alone?" You asked, due to interest. "Exactly." A fake smile crossed his face and you smiled. That's when he turned around and made you sit on his lap. Your lips parted in surprise, because of the sudden change of position. "Come here, baby. Give me a kiss." He mumbled, leaning towards you, eyes focused on your full lips. A giggle left your mouth and you leaned in, kissing him softly. His hand came behind your neck, deepening the kiss. He hummed into it, finally feeling you. You kissed him back, tasting scotch on his soft lips. You pulled away to look at him. "Did you drink?" You asked, frowning. Tony looked pretty annoyed, since you broke the kiss. "Water, yes." He stated and you rolled your eyes, getting up. He shook his head, watching you walk out.

"Y/N, babe, you know I wouldn't lie to you." Natasha said and you nodded. You were sitting on your bed, calling her. You told her a lot about Tony, since you weren't sure about the relationship. You loved him. But he didn't make you feel good in all the ways he should. Though you would never admit that. "I don't think your relationship is toxic. Of course Tony is a bit eccentric, but he loves you." She said, smiling. "Really? You think?" You asked. "Definitely." Natasha replied. "He's just not that... friendly?" You mumbled out. "Yeah, I understand you. I feel like the only guy that's always friendly is Steve." She sighed out and you chuckled. "Steve, huh?" You said, smiling mischievously. "What? I never saw him mad!" She quickly yelled, making you laugh even more.

What makes a relationship toxic?

Behaviors that make you feel unhappy, including disrespect, dishonesty, controlling behaviors, or a lack of support.

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