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  • Dedicated to Sayesha Mani

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of its lovely characters. I am just playing in SM's universe.  



I knew it. I just knew that everything cannot be so perfectly laid out for me; after all, I am a trouble magnet. I always used to think...what have I ever done to deserve a life so perfect? I have a loving husband with whom I am getting to share the whole eternity, my whole existence. I have a lovely daughter who is dearer to me than my own life. I have a whole new family and they are more than anything I could ever ask for. Just as I was beginning to believe that everything would be perfect world came crashing down. It feels like my trouble magnet "talent" too got enhanced along with my other attract dangers...dangers that I had never even thought about in my human life.


Chapter 1

It's been a year since I became a vampire. Life is easy. Effortless. Well most of the times anyway.

"Bella! Come on, we're going to be late! We have only four hours! And I told you before-" my ears caught the sound of her pacing back and forth at the base of the staircase, "- it's going to be sunny later on!" Alice positively yelled the last part, an unnecessary measure as I was perfectly capable of hearing her just fine.

I was in Edwards's room at the Cullen house-my house- looking for some music CDs to take back to the cottage. I sighed and Edward chuckled at the expression on my face. He was sprawled across his leather sofa and had been simply watching me move around his room for the past half an hour.

I turned to face him and raised one eyebrow. He smiled and said, "Bella love, now it's your turn to shop with Alice for the coming fifty years. Everyone else in the house have had their fair share of shopping. "

He grimaced slightly as he recalled something particularly disconcerting.

I sighed again, "Really, I don't feel like-" Alice- who entered the room faster than the strike of a cobra- cut me off with a hiss.

"Bella, you promised!" She positively whined and I threw a helpless look at Edward, who simply shrugged.  "You can't back down now!" Alice jumped up and down to get my full attention.

My features twisted slightly due to my annoyance, "But Alice, why me?" I asked her, feeling thoroughly exasperated of her antics by now. "You can take Esme or Rosalie- they love to shop! Why do I always have to be your guinea pig barbie?"

Alice dropped her eyes to the floor, and shuffled her feet, looking the very image of gloom,"Well, would you like to go shopping with Rosalie all the time?"

I considered it for a moment and shuddered. She had a point there.

There was a low hiss from the garage at the back of the house. Looks like Rosalie heard it.

Edward chuckled again, but became quiet after I shot him a glowering look. Well at least someone was enjoying this.

I tried again, "What about Esme? You can shop with her all you want."

"Well, did you forget that Esme will be working on that run down Victorian house today, the one she found while hunting?" Alice reminded me rather sweetly.

I had totally forgotten about that. Damn.

I shot a look at Edward, beseeching him with my eyes to save me from this situation. Just as he was about to say something, Alice turned around to face him, "Don't even think about it. It's not going to work."

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