1;3: The Reawakening

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"Reawakened?" Zelda gasped, and she looked to her husband, watching as he entirely froze, except his eyes, which widened with the news. Her daughter brought her hand to her mouth, and she quickly glanced up to her father as well. After a shaky breath, Link's hand squeezed into a fist, and his gaze unfocused as he remembered the day they deactivated them. Took their power. I hoped they wouldn't have reason to ever reactivate them. "But... how?"

"We don't know. But what we do know is that it was only the guardians hidden in the Forgotten Temple, at least for now. We passed over the Great Plateau, and we didn't see any activity on the surface." Teba told them, and while this seemed to ease Zelda, it didn't do much for Link.

"Then we have to check the other sites. We have one in the caves of the Gerudo Highlands, one in the Akkala wetlands... we even created a site beneath Fort Hateno. We need to make sure they're all clear before any more damage occurs." The king urged, and the champions agreed.

"Did any of you get hurt?" Riju asked, and while Teba's family members shook their heads, he glanced down at his leg. "Perhaps you should sit, Teba."

"I'm quite alright, Riju. But thank you." He sighed. "No one else was injured. We managed to take out the horde before they could wreak havoc any further than North Tanagar Canyon."

"Good." Zelda released a slight breath of relief, and she placed a hand on her husband's arm as the other moved to her chest. "We need to make a plan to head to each of the sites so we can see how they're holding up. But since the Forgotten Temple site is active, we need to make that a priority."

"Well then, we don't have much time to waste." Link started walking towards the doors, the Rito family quickly parting for him. His wife attempted to stop him.

"Link, wait. We need to figure out first how we're going to approach this situation. We can't just march into Tanagar Canyon."

"The sooner we get there, the earlier we may catch the start of a crisis." He said, looking back at her. He saw the look in her eyes. She knew no force could stop him when he was set on something. "I'm going to go get ready." Once again, he headed towards the doors, and while his daughter went to follow him, she stopped when she heard Azu rush to her side.

"Are we leaving?" He asked, and she looked between her parents and shook her head as she shrugged. Idalia saw the frustration on her mother's face, and Azu sighed as he started to speak. "Zelda, I'm sorry, but I agree with Link on this one. The faster we get out there, the better our chances are of fixing this."

"I understand that, but it's reckless for us to just rush out there without any idea what's causing this." She argued, but it did little to sway the scroll wielder's mind.

"But it's too dangerous to just stay here and not do anything about it. A lot of things can happen if we wait too long to directly address the attack." He told her, and she thought about their side of things, but was still sure of her own. "If Link goes to the temple, I'm going with him."

"To go get yourself killed by one of those things? I don't think so." Melanie joined the queen's side, arms folded as she glared down her husband.

"We can stop this if we go out there. We've handled bigger things."

"I think we all just need to take a breath, everyone. Nobody is going anywhere yet." Teba said, but that caused the group to break out in a disagreement. Idalia stood beside Azu, only listening, looking to Ellet, but he was with his family reassuring them about the situation. She didn't know whether to agree with her mother and Melanie, or Azu and Teba.

She glanced behind her at the doors her father left through, and instead decided to go after him.


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