2;3: Esther's Wish

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Clicks of heels echoed along the walls of the Yiga Clan, following the leader as she walked slowly through one of the seemingly endless sandstone hallways. The end of her deep, red dress trailed behind her, marked with a black rim and the eye of the yiga. As for the rest of her attire, her sleeves were cut off at her elbows, similarly lined with black as they swayed along with her gentle movements.

Half of her silver curls fell down her back, while they other half was pulled into a golden band on her head. Though, she had left two pieces down to frame her pale face, serving as mere accents to the sharp black lines around her eyes- but all fell to her cold expression.

She stopped in the middle of the hallway when the wall on her right side was broken into short railing, giving her a view of the arena below. She stopped for a moment, gazing down at the open area, adorned with strings of lanterns and banners. Her eyes focused the most on the giant hole in the center, her hand coming up to her chest.

It was only a reminder of the hole in her heart.

Her ears perked up at the sound of hard patters against the sandstone, drawing nearer to her from behind, and she leaned one hand against the railing while she listened. Never looking back.

"Master Esther!" One of the guards called, and they both stopped behind her and kneeled down. "You have received a letter from Queen Irvine and King Sauron." Somehow, she still loathed hearing that title on her son.

"Of course." She sighed, pushing herself away from the railing, and she waved her hand to signal for them to leave. "I'll head to my study momentarily. Thank you." They both gave her firm nods before darting off down the hall again, leaving her alone with her thoughts once more.

She gave the hole another glance, remembering that day she was there fighting alongside her husband. Trying to protect the Gerudo Heirloom he had stolen. And that was the day she watched him fall into that hole, and she never saw him again.

She finally tore herself away from the railing and began walking down the hallway, and as she strolled, she swore she could hear his laughter bouncing off the walls. He would always walk with her, usually with a banana in his hand, telling her about his next big idea. Spouting off plans and strategies he created, saying they were things he did in his dreams.

And then she felt a small hand holding hers, and she'd look down to see her little son walking beside her, babbling like his father with a banana in his other hand. Kohga always wanted Sauron to share his big ideas and ambitions. Even though he didn't know him for much of his life, Esther always could see Kohga anytime Sauron went on and on about his great plans for the Yiga - in the way his eyes lit up and a toothy grin would appear on his face.

And of course, she could never forget the presence of her younger brother walking behind her, stiff and alert, ready for anything to happen. But it was always comforting having him there. He usually wanted to talk to her about a matter of importance, or a new report from the guards, but he could never get a word in with Kohga's rambling. He would roll his eyes as he listened, mumbling to himself.

But today she walked alone. It had been like that for some time now, and it would stay like that going forward. Because she was on her own.

Finally, she reached her study. She pushed the two red tarps out of her way and strolled towards her desk, quickly spotting the letter left on her desk. It was a thick envelope, reading 'To Master Esther', signed underneath with 'Queen Irvine and King Sauron'.

She picked it up off the table and peeled the purple wax off the front before opening it, revealing the letter inside. She pulled it out and unfolded it, eyes scanning it carefully as she read:

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