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On a sunny afternoon Marly and Sam were getting ready for school when Sam said, "Jerome is a very nice guy. He willingly agreed to take us school every morning withstanding the distance.Your sister's lucky". "I know but he can be a little clingy. BTW:O have you done Mr Lumberg's assignment about business transactions? We may be in college but the things we're learning are simple." Old man Gibbles entered the room. He said,"Jerome's here." The girls carried their bags and ran out of the house to the car. They entered the car. "Good morning girls", Jerome said. " Hi Jerome",the girls said. He dropped them at their school and promised to pick them later.
Hours passed and Marly was stuck in a boring class with Sam. A teacher entered the classroom and called Marly. "Marly you are wanted in the principal's office. Pack all your items into your bag you're missing your classes for the whole day". Marly obeyed and followed the teacher to the principal's office. "Mr Weighningman you called me". "Marly I have bad news for you. Your guardian called. He says that you need to come to St. Patrick's hospital immediately. Mr. Lumberg will take you to the hospital". "Whatever you say principal", Marly said with a disturbed look on her face. Twenty minutes after
Marly and mr. Lumberg entered the hospital and saw old man Gibbles. "What happened old man Gibbles?",said Marly. "Jules was involved in a terrible explosion and.." Marly felt her heart skip a beat. "Is Jules dead?" "Yes" Tears flow from Marly's eyes. She cries passionately demanding for Jules' room. A nurse leads her to Jules' room. Marly opened the door and saw Jules' corps. She ran and hugged the dead body begging God to resurrect her. "Arrangements for the burial will have to be made", old man Gibbles said.
"The good thing is that she's in a better place now. Don't cry", Sam said "She was the closest person to me, but now she's gone, Jerome is a widower and I'm the only one in Lous family alive". "I have to go home Marly. Don't cry again. Just pray and God will send a comforter to you. See you tomorrow" . Sam hugged her and left the room.
The next day Marly was disturbed by the constant knocking on her door. "Who is it ?", Marly said with a cracked voice in an irritated manner. "It's Jerome". She ran and opened the door. "I know you must be feeling sad with your wife dead". "Her death is tragic but there's nothing I can do. Before you know it her corps will be buried. At least I'm happy you're okay". Jerome smiles at her. "Why'd you come ?". "To cheer you up.You know what meet me in my car let me take you somewhere". "Okay. Give me twenty minutes." Marly locked her door when he left and got ready. She tried to be happy but sadness filled her heart. She said to herself
,"Marly cheerup. You're not the first to lose a sister. Be strong". She grabbed her purse, opened the door and ran down to meet Jerome in his car.
Marly gradually stopped being sad as Jerome was nice to her, brought her items and took her to fun places. "You've been so kind to me. Thankyou", Marly said to Jerome. "It's the least I can do. Marly can you help me carry something from the tool shack?". "Sure". As Marly and Jerome went to the tool shack, Marc (Jerome's younger brother) drove into Old man Gibbles' compound. He parked the car and entered the house. "Hey everyone it's Marc. Marly, Marly". "She's at the shack with Jerome", said Old man Gibbles. "Thanks. Good morning by-the-way". Meanwhile, "Jerome what do you want me to help you carry?", said Marly. Jerome shut the door. "Actually, I want something from you". "Be specific", Marly said in a confused yet suspicious manner. "Marly you know that you're very beautiful and since your sister died I've been very lonely and I need someone to make me happy", Jerome moved closer to Marly. Marly moved backwards and said in a frightened manner,"what do you want from me?". "Just once Marly. I've always loved you". "But you're married to my sister and besides, God will not be happy with us". "God will understand. C'mon Marly,you're not a small girl. I'm sure most of your friends are not virgins. By-the-way, when you were sad I made you happy so now that I'm unhappy why don't you wanna make me happy?". "Please Jerome, don't let the devil make you sin. I know you can overcome this temptation", Marly said with fear. Jerome grabbed her on the waist and tried to kiss her but she refused. He pushed her against a wall and tried to rape her but Marc entered the tool shack. "Jerome get your hands off her", Marc said. Marly pushed Jerome aside and ran to Marc for protection. "I'm gonna tell Old man Gibbles to prevent you from getting close to Marly and I don't want you near her again", Marc said in an angry tone. Marc left the tool shack with Marly and she continuously avoided Jerome.
. . . .
"I still can't believe your brother would try to rape me. Did he like me before or was it a temptation? Maybe it's the fact that my sister is gone and he needed to sleep with someone. I'm confused I really trusted him". "He was attracted to you at a point but I didn't know he'd go this far to raping you. But you can't blame him you are pretty". "You think I'm pretty", Marly faces Marc. "Of course you're pretty. I mean, every girl is pretty to me", Marc said in a shy manner. "Okay".

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