The visits

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That night as Marly slept she had a dream:
Marly walked on a path filled with fog. "Hello, is anybody here", she said in a frightened tone. "Marly, Marly", a familiar voice said in a soft tone. "Who's that? The voice is familiar. Jules, is that you?". Jules appeared in a white gown." Jules, it is you". Marly ran to Jules and hugged her. "Jules, are you really here or are you an image created by my sub-conscience?", Marly said with much concern. "I am really here. It is my spirit. I'm sure you missed me". "Obviously. Jules I'm curious, what killed you?". Jules wore a sad expression on her face. "You don't have to know that now but you will find out soon. I'll be appearing in your dreams to inform you with important information. Bad things will come your way but be strong God will help you".
Marly woke up scared but relieved that she talked to her sister.
The next day Marly walked down the hall when she came in contact with veronica. "Marly I'm confused about something. Did your sister die in an accident or did you murder her because she's better than you. Maybe you didn't murder her but I'm sure you're happy she's dead. People might have never noticed but I know you've always been jealous of her. It is really sad that she died instead of you. Why do the good die before the bad. What a shame". Veronica left Marly whose eyes were filled with tears. From nowhere she heared Jules' voice saying, "Don't cry Marly, everything will be alright". Marly wiped the tears from her eyes and went to her class. She still got mocked in school but Jules' spirit encouraged her. Series of bad luck had been happening to Marly- insufficient availability of money for payment of bills, sickness, poor performance in academics, involvement in trouble, etc. Marly got depressed and gradually she lost her faith in God. Jules' spirit continuously advised her but one day the pain and humiliation Marly felt made her run away in the night. She got tired and looked for a place to stay. She saw a small house and she knocked on the door. The door openedand Marly saw a middle aged lady. "What are you doing little girl wandering around this dangerous area? Are you lost?". "Yes, please can you let me stay in your house for sometime?", Marly said. "Sure". Marly entered the house. She met the woman's husband and they both were being nice to her. She passed the night there.
The next day she explained everything to them and the man (named Bob) got attacted to Marly. He tried continuously to get closer to her but Marly didn't agree. One night as Marly went to the kitchen to get some food, the man came, locked the door, threatened her not to scream or tell anybody with a knife but Marly screamed at the top of her voice. Bob covered her mouth with his hand and pinned her to the floor but she bit his hand and punched him. Out of anger he stabbed her on her left leg. The woman's voice was heard as she knocked on the door and tried to open it. Marly tried to open the door but Bob held and squeezed her injury. She screame continuously as tears flowed out of her eyes. Bob held Marly's hand, dragged her to the floor and disvirgined her. The locked door was broken and the woman (named Mariam) entered the kitchen with a hammer. She looked at Marly with pity and angrily hit Bob on the head with a hammer. He fell on the floor unconscious. Marly got terrified and wanted to escape but she couldn't because of her leg. Mariam helped Marly and took her to a room. She treated her injury, apologised, kept two clutches and left the room.
Two hours later Marly gets out of the bed, took the clutches and her bag (luckily, Marly had packed all her things with some snacks earlier that day because she had planned on going back to Old man Gibbles) and quietly left the house. She kept on going. She felt a lot of pain but promised herself that once she saw Old man Gibbles she would never run away again. She stopped at a bus station and slept there.

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