Official and i love yous

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Geogias pov
I'm so nervous, todays the day I'm going to ask Ella to be my girlforend, what if she says no, what if she thinks I dint care about her enough. I'm To in my thoughts to hear Ella waking up, she gets in my bed and I say " I'm sorry, I was  just a bit distracted". She laughs and says  " I could see that, now tell me what's going on in your beutiful head". I look at her and say " Ella Anne toone, I know this might be a bit quick, but I've never felt this way about anyone, I love you so much so will you be my girlfriend?". She has tears in her eyes, I dry them and she says " of course I will geogia Stanway, I love you to". We kiss and makout for half an hour, then after that I start stroking her arm, she giggles, and I say " we should do long distance for now, I really want this to work but we also need to focus on our careers and what's best for them". She says " i agree with everything you just said, we can do long distance and visit eachother when we have the time to".

Ella's pov
I'm so happy geogia Stanway is my girlfriend, she's just amazing, our Caesar's are important but sos our relationship , I look at her and say " well try long distance this year then, il try and ask mark if I can move to Bayern, I think it'll,be best if I move then , I'll,make it clear it's my last season at United, if Marc can't accept that then screw him". She holds my hand and says " are you sure babe, I don't want to force you away from.United". I kiss her and say " of course im sure, you're not forcing me away from United it's my decision, I want to, it think it's about time I left after six years, I've loved my time there but it's time to move on after this coming season".  Georgia kisses me and says " Ella toone you're the most incredible person I've ever met, I love you so much and nothing,is,going to change that ". I take a few selfies of us, most of them are with us kissing,  geogia Stanway is my girlfriend and if we get abuse from.homophobes we'll deal with it together , I couldn't be hapier.

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone love storyWhere stories live. Discover now