End of an era/ ella joins bayern

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Geogias pov
Ella moved in with me when we got back from,the international break, todays the day it's getting announced she's leaving United and joining Bayern. She's not making her debut until the new year. I do have a suprise for her, it's an early christmass present. It's a set of lingerie, she's been talking about it for months but says she's waiting until it's less expensive. I decided to buy it for her because she deserves it. She deserves cheering up and she needs cheering up today. I know todays going to be emotional for her so I need to make sure I'm there for her. She wakes up, I kiss her and say " morning babe, breakfast in bed is coming up, there is also an early christmass present for you, to open today, I know it's going to be hard today but I'm here for you and I'm not going to leave". She smiles and kisses me, I get out of bed and make her favourite breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and maple syrup. I come back in with a cup of tea, the pancakes and a smoothie on the tray. We have breakfast together which is delicious.  Ella looks at me and says " thanks babe I really appreciate all this, you didn't need to do all this but you did". I kiss her and say " of course I had to, I'd be a shit girlfirend if I didn't and I don't want to be told off by less".

Ella's pov
The videos come out and there are some positive comments but mostly negative, I get why, I'm leaving the club I support, I'd love to come back one day but right now in my career I need to be here. Geogia hugs me and says " I think it's about time you had your suprise". She comes in with a beutifuly wrapped present. I open it to find the lingerie set I've been wanting for months. I look at g and kiss her . I say " thank you so much babe you're the best girlfriend ever". I go into the bathroom and change into it. I come into the bedroom and gegia looks at me. I bite my lip and say " come on g clothes off or do you want help". She nods, I take her top off and pull her bottoms off. She kisses me with more passion than she ever has before. We get under the covers and have the best sex ever we both agreed, honestly I'd love to have kids with geogia one day but I think we need to think of our careers we're still young but adoption isint out of the question.

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone love storyWhere stories live. Discover now