Loki Laufeyson x Reader [Kitty]

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Yawning, you made your way through the long corridors of Stark Tower in search of the kitchen. Sure it was three o'clock in the afternoon but that doesn't mean you can't be tired right?

When you opened the door you saw a small black cat on the counter trying to get into a box of cereal. It's head perked up when it heard you enter and it looked terrified.

You rubbed your eyes, unsure whether the lack of sleep was becoming a hallucinogenic or if Tony needed to upgrade his security. Wait... How did it get in the elevator? How did it hit the goddamn buttons?

"Uhh, JARVIS? Is... Is there a cat in the kitchen?" You stumbled over your words still not believing that you were actually seeing this.

"It appears so, I didn't see it enter the building on the security footage. I apologise." There was that famed British accent you knew and loved. Hey at least that meant that you weren't going insane yet, although, you were curious about the feline.

"No need for an apology, I'll just..." Now completely awake, you eyed the kitten carefully. Slowly, you started to edge your way toward it. It fidgeted before panicking and leaping off the counter, it ran to escape through your legs but you manage to pick it up at the last second. "Got you, you little fur ball." You said half-jokingly.

You giggled as the creature wriggled and writhed in your grip and tried scratching you a few times. "Jeez, no need to be so antsy, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to play." You said happily with a huge grin plastered upon your face. You used to have a kitten when you were younger and hadn't had the chance to play with one since.

The feline stopped trying to scratch you but continued to wriggle, hissing occasionally. It's head turned to look up and you could see it's jade-coloured eyes peering up at you in annoyance and you stifled a laugh as it reminded you of someone else you knew.

Heading back to your own room, the cat seemed to have calmed down. Despite not wanting to be carried or held, it no longer struggled in your grip. It had decided to accept it's fate as there was no escape.

As you entered the room, you closed the door behind you, turned the light on and set the kitten down on your bed. To your surprise it just sat there, glaring up at you like you had challenged it to a staring contest. You had expected it to jump up and wander around the room looking for a way out but I guess you were wrong. You laid down on your bed in front of the creature to admire it's features up close.

Regardless of how weird you'd look if someone entered the room it felt awkward with the silence between you and the cat so you tried to make conversation, not that the cat would actually reply.

"You remind me of a friend of mine..." You began, not noticing the cat's ear twitch. You laughed. "Your fur and eye colour even matches his... and your stubborn personality." It let out a low growl from it's throat which only caused you to chuckle once more.

You pondered a thought for a moment before speaking again and stroking the kitten's head. He purred softly and nuzzled into your hand. "I should name you after him!" You exclaimed in joy and the kitty scowled. "I can't call you Loki, he'd get pretty pissed at that. How about..." You paused, trying to come up with something creative. "Lokitty!" You giggled picking him up. He didn't struggle but he looked at you disapprovingly.

"You're adorable." You stared at the confused expression on the cat's face. "...Like him."

Lokitty seemed to have grown bored of your one-sided conversation because he struggled out of your hands and hopped off of the bed. He strolled over to the door, pawing at it slightly before looking back at you. You jumped off of the bed and opened the door carefully as he shot out down the corridor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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