Bruce Banner x Reader [Actions]

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"Bruuuce~" You whined with your head laid on one of the desks in the laboratory. You pouted at the man as you tried to get his attention.

The brunet sighed in annoyance, you'd been pestering him for the past hour. "What do you want (Y/N)?" He said sternly, not glancing away from the array of flasks and test tubes scattered in front of him.

"You've been working all day, you need to take a break or you'll mess up your sleeping schedule." You were genuinely concerned about his health. He'd been awake for twenty-six hours straight and you knew he couldn't handle it. You didn't like seeing him so stressed either. He was definitely tired judging by the bags beginning to collect under his eyes but he'd never admit it.

"My sleeping schedule is already messed up." He gave you a straight-forward answer, without a hint of a caring tone in his voice.

"But-" You tried to counter his statement before he interrupted.

"Just get out, you're distracting me and I'm behind on my work as it is!" He snapped, finally suspending his work to look at you, his dark brown eyes slowly evolving into a green colour from behind his glasses. You were hurt by his sudden outburst to say the least but you knew it was about time you left. You couldn't risk making him any angrier.

You hopped off of your chair and left the room without a word, head held low as well a your spirits.  You knew that it was the sleep deprivation but your heart still ached. After all anyone would be down if their crush shouted at them right? You felt awful, you were only worried about him!


You lay in bed, lost in the thoughts whizzing around in your head when there was a knock at the door. "Go away." You spoke rather coldly but the door seemed to open anyway.

"What's got you in such a bad mood?" The intruder questioned, concerned. You rolled over to face your friend, the red-headed assassin as she entered the room and you frowned at her. "Bruce?" She guessed and you gave her a 'What do you think?' look to which she nodded in understanding.

"Sometimes I feel like that he thinks of me as an annoying pest and that he wants rid of me..." You complained into your pillow. He had been getting pretty displeased with you lately and he rarely spoke to you anymore.

"He's just stressed is all, as soon as he's finished with whatever he's working on he'll be back to his old self. Don't beat yourself up, he likes you when you're happy not depressed."

You sighed in defeat, as much as you hated losing an argument or even a conversation you really didn't want to consider that Bruce may dislike you,"I suppose you're right."

She smirked, "You suppose I'm right? I'm always right." 


A few hours later you decided that it would be best to at least attempt to make up with Bruce, and that wasn't going to happen unless you were abetting his insomniac personality.

Would making him a cup of coffee help? I guess that would show that you were supportive, coffee tends to keep people awake does it not? Besides, you knew exactly how he liked it.

While the kettle was boiling, you grabbed a mug from the cupboard and a pot of instant-coffee. You stared at the packet of biscuits not sure whether to grab them for him. You shrugged and grabbed the packet, whether he'd eat them or not they weren't exactly doing anything in that cupboard.


Knocking on the door to the lab there was no answer. Is he still mad? You slowly pushed the door open, "Bruce?" You called out but there was no reply. Maybe he finally went to bed? You scanned the room and didn't find anything. That was until in the corner of your eye you caught a mop of dark brown hair against one of the tables.

You giggled. You did warn him that things wouldn't be pretty if he didn't take a nap. Cautiously moving toward his sleeping form you could hear a faint snoring coming from his mouth. His glasses were misplaced on the table, they probably fell off as his head hit the desk. He looked peaceful for the first time in weeks and you wanted to leave him there to rest.

Although the other half of you wanted to wake him up, whether it was as payback or because that's what he would want you weren't sure. You settled on letting him sleep for a while and then you'd wake him up afterward. You sat down on one of the stools trying to find something to occupy yourself with while you waited. Ah nothing. There was nothing to do... Until you spied the packet of biscuits sitting on the table.

Opening the packet carefully so you wouldn't wake up Bruce, you began to snack on one of the delicious treats.


After waiting for fifteen minutes you thought it was time to wake him up. You glanced at his sleeping form once more with a sad look, you probably weren't going to see him this calm for another few weeks.

You prodded his shoulder gently. "Hey, Brucie...? It's time to wake up." You didn't want to be too loud because if you startled him you would most likely get attacked by a green giant. Bruce shifted a little and made a groan before slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

He stretched his arms before grabbing the glasses that rested on the table and putting them back where they belonged, in front of those beautiful pools of chocolate that were his eyes.

"You could have let me sleep a little longer." He complained.

You deadpanned and shot him an 'Are you freaking kidding me?' face.

He chuckled a little before replying. "I'm joking, I'm joking..." Then he frowned. "I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier you were only trying to help, I've just been really busy a-and with the deadline bein-" You stopped him from running his mouth with a finger to his lips.

"Calm down, I forgive you." You giggled with a trace of a smile on your lips, to which he returned. "I got you coffee." You added before realisation overcame you. "Although it's probably cold by now..."

He shook his head with a laugh, oh how you adored that laugh. "I don't care about the coffee... I care about you..." He mumbled the last part, almost inaudible, obviously he thought you wouldn't have heard him because he started to organise the papers in front of him, putting away items he no longer needed.

"I-I'm sorry?" Unsure whether you had heard him correctly you thought it best to ask. His face suddenly flushed a colour that would put Tony's suit to shame.

"I d-didn't say a-anything." He replied almost too quickly for him not to be hiding anything. Is this what Natasha meant when she said he liked you? Did he like like you?

"B-bruce..." You started, your words unsteady as he turned to look at you, "Do you like me?" When his only reply was a nervous gulp you knew it to be true. He didn't look away and so you took it as a chance to confess to him. Although not in the way that you were originally planning to.

It was supposed to be a simple 'I like you.' but acting off impulse you stood on your tip-toes and kissed him on the lips, short but sweet. And his reaction was priceless to say the least, he stood there a flustered, stuttering mess. Unable to find the right words.

You waited patiently and expectantly for his answer when a pair of lips landed on yours, though you were shocked you returned the kiss. 

What's that saying again? 

'Actions speak louder than words?'

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