1. "The duel"

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- it all happened to fast.. Dream and Tommy talking out together in prison... Tommy understanding Dream.. Dream understanding Tommy.. before the explosion happened, before they died, Tommy jumped in Dream arms and hugged him, whispering an "I'm sorry.." for what was about to happen, Dream hugged back, he couldn't care less about anything now.. he didn't even look at Punz, his best-friend and ally, one last time.. he died seeing Tommy and Tommy died seeing Dream, they died in eachother's arms.. -


..no.. no they didn't die... As the nuke hitted the prison Dream woke up randomly in another place, it wasn't limbo, it couldn't be limbo, he has been there when Tommy and Tubbo killed him, he wasn't in limbo.. no.. he was at his duel with Tommy.. the duel that they had for L'manberg independence.. "what the fuck.." Dream mumbled under his breath, he looked at his hands, he looked up, then around him, he remembers this, he so perfectly does "huh?" he whispered himself in confusion

"six, seven, eight-" he heard Wilbur's voice counting, the count that he did before they shot.. "wait.." he mumbled himself again, he turned slightly to look at Tommy, who had the exact same look as him, confused, Tommy turned towards Dream, their eyes met and they knew, they where both in the past... at their duel..

"-nine, ten paces, fire!" Wilbur said, everyone was waiting, the tension was high but none of them shoot, not Dream, not Tommy, the two turned around and looked at eachother "what.. what the fuck.." Tommy said as he looked at Dream "this is not right.. what the.." Tommy looked so confused, he continued to look around, L'manberg uniforms everywhere

"what the fuck?.." Dream said, the two looked at eachother's again "Tommy..? Why aren't you shooting?" Wilbur said "Dream shoot him!" Sapnap screamed at Dream but none of them did, they looked at eachother's, until they both lowered their bows

"this must be a damn joke right?" Tommy said as he walked to the center again, Dream did the same "what the fuck.. this was during the first L'manberg war.. why.. how.." Dream said looking around, everyone else was looking at them confused "huh?" "Hey, what's happening Tommy?.." "what?" various people started to ask.

None of Dream or Tommy responded, the two where looking around, then they looked at eachother again "well.. shit" Tommy said, Dream chuckled at that "well shit indeed.." he said while looking at Tommy "are we in the fucking past? How are we in the fucking past" Tommy said, almost screaming "do I look like I know Tommy? I have no idea aswell.. the last thing that I remembered is.. the nuke.." Dream said, mumbling the last two words "me too! Why are we in the first L'manberg war?! We are supposed to be dead?" Tommy screamed, you could read how confused he was on his face

"first?..." Wilbur said behind them, his eyes open wide, Tommy turned his head to him, Dream after a bit did the same "...well shit... You don't think this was a bug in the time-loop, right? How can this happen?" Tommy said, looking back at Dream

"hey hey! What are you two saying?!" Jack said after that Tommy finished speaking "Time-loop? First L'manberg war? Nuke? What the hell are you two talking about?!" He almost screamed, there was so much tension between the two boys and the rest of the people, they knew that they fucked up now, they should have continued with the real story, but this was too confusing to do so

"I-I.. uh.." Tommy mumbled, looking at Dream, almost panicking "we.. uh.. should we tell them right now what we understood?.." Dream said, turning his head to Tommy, who nodded right after "okay then.." Dream said, turning his head back to the others "we are not your time-line Dream and Tommy, we aren't supposed to be here, we are both dead, or at least supposed to be,we don't know why we are here, or how" Dream said with non-chalance, almost sounding calm even though he was combined just like Tommy right now, confused and panicked

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