4. - "Exile"

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— Tommy was sitting on the grass there, alone and isolated form everyone, he remember these years here perfectly, exile, the part of his life he hated the most. He sighed as he looked around, he didn't see anyone, not Ghostbur or even Mexican Dream, yet he knew that Dream was coming, after all he was the other man stuck into this damn time-loop.

Soon enough, Dream showed up, he still looked the same, just like he remember, yet he didn't do anything to hurt him, not now that they made up after years of hate, sorrow and dread, Dream just sat next to him, he didn't say a word, he knew how much he hurted Tommy in this period of time, he knew that it was his fault, so he didn't try to even talk to him, if Tommy wanted to talk, he'll talk, only if Tommy as the strength to, he won't force him

Tommy didn't say anything too, he was far too scared to remember what happened during exile, even though he gave Dream a second change he still didn't forget, but hey, at least Dream is trying, even though nothing will even be enough to get back normally but at least he's trying.

After a bit Tommy looked up, towards the man infront of him "..Dream.." he said quietly, Dream turned his head to Tommy "yes..?" He sounded almost like he wanted to talk to him, yet he was forcing himself to stay silent, just to not scare Tommy more that he already did in the past "..you know that I gave you a second chance right?.. I know you feel bad.. it's fine okay?.. at least we got better.." Tommy said, putting a hand on Dream shoulder, giving out a little smile "..I know I know.. I'm sorry.." he pulled him closer, pulling him into a hug, trying not to be too tight so that he wouldn't hurt Tommy in any way. Tommy, even if a bit hesitant, hugged back, his head resting on the shoulder of the older man.

After a bit the hugged broke, Dream looked at Tommy "do you.. want me to change your bandages?.." he asked quietly, to which Tommy responded with a nod, the bandages are old and they won't absorb anything more now, and they where starting to hurt, Dream took out bandages, patches, cotton wool and disinfectant, seem like he came prepared to help him out with his wounds, caused by Dream himself.

Dream slowly started to change his bandages, started with the arms, then torso, then legs and then some places in the face, where he putted mostly patches, yet coloured ones, just to make him look a bit less sad-looking "there.. done" "thanks Big D" Tommy hugged him again and Dream hugged back, yet not too tightly to not hurt him "no problem.." Dream responded quietly as he still hugged the younger man.

They stayed like that for a while, just hugging eachother, after a bit Tommy spoke up "Dream.. can.. we go to do something?? Maybe we can build something while playing some music.. you still have the discs.. so.." he said as he looked up at him, yet his head still resting on his shoulder "yes of course we can.." the two separated from the hug and got up on their feet again

"ah! Wait, since your clothes are all torn apart.." Dream said, opening his inventory "there.. you can wear these if you want to" Dream gave him a green sweatshirt, jeans and a pair of boots "sorry if it's green and not red, I didn't find anything of the right size of that colour in my house.." Tommy looked at the clothes, then at Dream "...thanks" he said smiling a bit, taking the clothes in his arms and entering into his tends to change, Dream waited outside for Tommy to come back.

After some minutes, between the 5 or 10 minutes, Tommy got back out, he was wearing what Dream gave him now "I'm back" Tommy walked next to Dream, who now looked at him "You look great, child" "EY! I'M NO CHILD!" Tommy screamed, punching Dream left arm lightly "yeah sure" Dream responded chuckling "now, do you wanna build something or not?" Dream said taking out a jukebox and the cat disc, putting it in "...yeah, but was should we build?" Tommy said, the cat disc playing in the background "hmm.. we could built a proper house here in exile at first, then maybe other things, what do you think?" "Sounds fair! Let's get to work"

I needed a bit of angst/comfort I'm sorry :'] no bloopers bc I'm lazy, love you thought

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