6. -"Warming up" (PT.1)

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—Dream was wandering around, a bit randomly to be honest, he really didn't know what to do now that he was back during the Manberg Vs Pogtopia time, he had already taken the Revival book and gave Punz a copy, like he did originally in the canon timeline, but now he didn't know what to do anymore.. it as been weeks since Jschlatt was crowned as the new president and Quackity as is vice-president.

Then, the announcement of the festival came and that hitted Dream like a bus, he didn't forget, no no, but he remembers Tubbo's death.. the explosion of L'manberg/Manberg caused by the TNT that Wilbur detonated.. and his scream of happiness when it was all blown.. he regrets pushing a man, a friend, an ally, to that point, he does with all of his heart, but it was already too late in this timeline, maybe.. maybe in another timeline.. yeah.. maybe

The weeks go by, Pogtopia gets to know about the festival, they call the Blade for help, they collect things and everything goes like canon, yet Dream passes more time with the Pogtopians this time, his and Tommy are friends now more than ever, or at least for the others because the two with this whole time things already warmed up to eachother, but they couldn't known of course

"Dream.. I want to be your vessel" Dream remembers those words so perfectly from the time they where just said, there everything goes.. like it should go.. kind of.. the only thing that actually changes is how Tommy acts.. Tommy doesn't ask Wilbur to give him the TNT that Dream just gave him, no, he only grins as he watched the two exchange the TNT, and as Wilbur walks in to deposit the TNT that he just received, Tommy walks up to Dream

"ay Big D, that wasn't completely TNT, or am I wrong?" He says and asks making Dream laugh a bit "maybe yes.. or maybe no.. who knows?" Dream responded as he turned his head to the young boy next to him, ruffling his hair after some seconds "ay! My hair!" Tommy fake whined, Dream laughing in response "it's just hair" he said making Tommy groan quietly while he adjusted his hair back normality "whatever.." Tommy mumbled in response, then looking back at Dream once again "do you want to do something? Like playing a game or doing an activity?" He asked tilting his head "Sure, I don't mind. We could play some boardgames when we get back to Pogtopia" Dream smiled and Tommy eyes shined a bit like an happy child that he was before the exile "YEAHH BOARDGAMES!!" Tommy screams so much that even Wilbur hears him.

Wilbur peeks out of the door just a bit as he hears Tommy scream that, looked now at the two guys one laughing one happy, slowly deciding to walk back to Pogtopia, his face holds confusion and surprise as the two where getting along so greatly, especially after everything that happened beforehand in the previous wars and shit, he decided to spy on them when he could to find more about it, curious of what's really happening between the two guys

As the two got back to Pogtopia, soon followed by a Wilbur that got back just few minutes later, the two of them, Niki and Tubbo played Monopoly, just to get the mood a bit more calm before the festival, even though only Dream and Tommy where really, really tense, knowing what was going to happen, Wilbur was in the same room as them, sat down to the side, on a sofa that Dream thought it would be better to have if someone had to sleep, relax or even just sit down because feeling sick, and..

It wasn't the only thing that Dream made them have, there was a big cooking station, a "relax" room, the room where they were currently, the rooms to sleep, farms, craft stations ect.. it was a pure and simple base that had everything needed. Wilbur looked at them or around himself, looking at all the thing Dream took for them for the base, still feeling kind of shocked that Dream would act like this after everything that happened, he knew that Dream could be doing this to manipulate him in the future, to gain his trust, yet Dream eyes didn't seem to have lies or bad intentions, they where.. kind of pure? No more like sincere..

Something that Dream wasn't able to to for a long time and Tommy knew it.. but now he was and he looked genuinely happier.. Tommy was and is glad that Dream is slowly healing, he's glad that both of them are healing together from their shit in the past, their fights and everything else, they could finally be happy

Weeks start to pass fastly, Dream and the Pogtopians+ Tubbo and heck, even Quackity now that he was a spy aswell continue to warm up with him, they where slowly all healing and having people next to you meant that your mind slowly heals, Wilbur, Dream, Quackity.. heck even Tommy, they all slowly heal all together, some faster then other of course.. yet Jschlatt it's still putting problems, abuse of power over his country and pure abuse towards Quackity wasn't helping the vice-president.

Dream felt pity, he still hated his timeline Quackity so much but.. but this was not his Quackity.. or at least not yet.. Quackity would always show up with some new bruises or bites everyday he came to Pogtopia, Dream after some days has decided to help him though this and he told Tommy, who decided to help, after all they both have been under abuse.. and.. it was kind of ironic you know? One of them was abused by the other and the other by the man that they will help... very ironic, but they decided to do that nonetheless, for Quackity sanity, maybe he now wouldn't torture Dream, maybe he wouldn't try to kill Eret and ending up killing Karl.. maybe he could have a kind of redemption.. who knows..

The first times Dream and Tommy would only make small talk with Quackity, healing his bruises, cuts, bites ect.. Quackity responded in short phrases or only a single word, some times even only a nod or gesture. It was clear as day that he was uncomfortable or scared to tell anybody, this continued for few weeks before Quackity started to warm up more towards the two.. explaining more thing to them ect. Sometimes even playing games with them, like Niki and Tubbo did

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