- "Exile but not Exile" (Pt 2)

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- Everything was ready, they where ready or at least they had everything for the not actually very well done plan, it was done briefly but better than going there without knowing what to do, they started to walk, they had a lot of food so it wasn't a problem, they had decent armour if they had to fight, Tommy really had to thank Dream for that since he gave him a spare armour, it would resist some fight without problems.

Tommy would usually stay behind Dream and cover himself as they walked, they didn't really know if they would meet someone there before they arrive where they have to arrive, Tommy rather have no problems beforehand "Big D, what do you think it will happen?.." "I have no idea honestly.. just.. let's stick to the plan.." Dream responded as he looked straight forward. As soon as they where close Tommy wore the mask and then drunk the invisibility potion.

As they suspected, the community house was destroyed, but Dream didn't destroy it, the loop was automatically done and now the community house was destroyed, many where there with a shocked expression, both from New L'manberg side and from 'The greater DSMP' but as soon as they heard the steps they turned around and they looked at Dream "Dream!" Sapnap and George both screamed and soon runned closer but now close enough for Tommy to have to move back away from Dream

"What the fuck happened" Dream said as he walked closer to the big hole that there was now instead of the community house, they couldn't see his face but the voice was enough to make some of them shiver or understand that he was somewhat angry, heck even Tommy that knew that he wasn't really angry shivered, under the mask he had the most relax face ever as he really didn't care much at this point.

"We have no idea, we just came back at this was all destroyed!" George was the one to talk and respond to Dream's question, moving his hands towards the hole infront of them as to indicate it but in a exaggerate way, Sapnap hummed in agreement, Dream's eyes looked around for few moments, checking who was there, Sapnap - George - Tubbo - Niki - Jack - Fundy - Punz - Ranboo - Karl - Quackity - Sam - Ponk... He doesn't fully remember if everyone that was there now was there also in the canon loop, thought he didn't think about it for few moments, he didn't know at the moment if Technoblade was there as well, if he was, he was with invisibility potions as well.

Dream's eyes looked towards the others again as a soft grip was around his torso, probably Tommy holding close to him to let him know where he was "Who do you guys think it would have been?" He asked calmly, both to know their opinions and to understand who was the "main suspect". They all started to talk about it, discussing with of course reasons and on the final, they arrived at the (wrong) conclusion that it was Tommy that wanted to take revenge for the Exile thing. During this Dream stayed completely silent, not a word out of him until they came all to an agreement.

He coughed slightly as to get their attention, they all somewhat turned to him "Yes Dream?.." Tubbo asked, a but hesitant for hear him talk, worried that he was going against Tommy too, thought he didn't like the idea of Tommy wanting for revenge it was yet one of the most reasonable options "I've listened to all of you talking and discussing and trying to understand who it was, the conclusion of Tommy wanting revenge is purely wrong" Dream responded calmly, leaving almost all of them in shock

"But that the most reasonable conclusion, who would it be if not him" Sapnap spoke up, his arms folded infront of his chest "Sapnap, if I knew I would have told you correct? The one person that I'm sure, 100% that didn't do it is Tommy. I visit him constantly while he's exiled to check up on him" Dream said and Sapnap sighed, some of them didn't even know that Dream visits Tommy in exile

"But how can we know that you're not lying Dream?" Quackity asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked, presumably (since they are covered-), into Dream's eyes. "Quackity the community house was my house as well, it was one of the places that I lived the most when I'm around here, why would I cover from Tommy if he was really the person that blew the community house up?" Dream said, presumably looking into Quackity's eyes as well, who stayed silent for few seconds before humming.

He spoke again "then what if he was able to sneak out without you knowing and destroyed the community house?" "Impossible, there are many things why but.. maybe I just can show you the main one" Dream turned his head behind him, his body didn't move "come on, come out" he said, moving his hand slightly back, the grip around his torso went away and now there was a soft grip on his hand, soon there was a drinking noise and Tommy showed himself, his hands holding on Dream's hand, the mask was still on his face

All of their faces went slightly pale, some with wide eyes, some with their jawl slightly dropped, some of their body stiffed like they where rock, some shivers runned in all their spine "T-Tommy?.." Tubbo mumbles quietly, he could see how Tommy had some even new bandages on under the green hoodie that fitted Tommy's body, his mind could only think one thing, Dream caused this. He didn't have a single proof but his mind was screaming this, his eyes darted towards Dream, who was still looking at Tommy, he let out a breath out that he didn't know he was holding.

"Do your burns still hurt Tommy?.." Dream asked quietly but loud enough to make everyone hear, Tommy simply slightly nodded, it was a lie, they stopped hurting after he drank some healing potions, they where past burns and the bandages where only for figure, Dream hummed and took out a somewhat strong healing potion and gave it to Tommy to drink "There" Tommy took it in one hand, the other still in Dream's, he soon moved his mask slightly, enough to be able to drink the potion completely.

"W-what happened?.." Tubbo asked after a hit of silence, Dream turned to him, slightly squeezing Tommy's hand "just some accidents with the lava of the nether when we where exploring" Dream said, Tubbo really hoped that it was like this, Tommy still practically clinged on Dream, Tubbo would only think that maybe the thoughts that he head before where wrong, maybe Dream didn't hurt Tommy, or so he hoped..

Tommy looked around, looked the hole and then to Tubbo, another shiver runned into Tubbo's spine, this person.. no, this person doesn't act like Tommy, he doesn't.. he's too different.. too.. too much like Dream.. Tubbo let out a shaky and heavy breath "W-Why.. are you wearing that Tommy?.." he asked quietly, his hand pointing on the mask with the X's for eyes and frown on, Tommy grunted, almost annoyed by the question, he really wasn't but he knew well enough how to act and gaslight people to believe him.

"What do you mean 'Why are you wearing that Tommy?' I'm wearing it because I want to and because I'm with Dream" he responded with a somewhat annoyed voice, holding on Dream's hand tighter, Tubbo's face became even more paler, with.. Dream?.. "you're.. with Dream?.." he asked quietly, Tommy nodded, holding Dream even tighter, now holding his arm, Dream sighed quietly, his head slightly turned to Tommy

"Why.. why did you join him?.." Tubbo asked him quietly, he was shocked that Tommy would join Dream, it wasn't normal, after the fight for the discs? After the wars? After everything.. he joined him? "I did, and before you ask" he said, one of his hands went on his inventory and took out the discs "I'm not held up, I have my discs, I choose to stay with Dream" He said, then holding back to Dream with both hands, Tubbo gulped silently, still a bit shocked.

Dream sighed a bit louder and looked to Tommy "we need to go now Tommy" "eh?! Already?" "Yes..? Y'know- I'm pretty sure that this will change in a second or someth-" and as he said that, they get teleported away

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