Arranged marriage.

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POV Lucy

I was outside the palace enjoying the garden, when all of a sudden I see one of my guards loke coming towards me.
Loke: "Hey, princess the king has requested you to come to the palace at once."
Lucy: "ugh. Have any idea why he wants me?"
Loke: "No sorry my love but I saw a king of a far away kingdom."
Lucy: "aww you stop with the name calling,but anyways I should get to my dad before he gets angry. I'll talk to you soon loke goodbye."
I say waving as I walk away from my favorite guard. As I approach the palace I begin to see my dad talking to someone. Probably the king loke was talking about. I begin to walk towards them as they are still talking.
Lucy: "Father you asked to speak to me?"
Jude: "Yes Lucy this is King Ivan he is hear because we think it's a good idea that you and his son get married so that we could unite are kingdoms together.
Lucy: "w-what? But I don't even know this person I'm only 17 I'm too young to get married."
Jude: " Lucy I don't have time to argue with you about this we've decided that you guys will get to know each other for a year and once you turn 18 you guys are to get married. Do I make myself clear."
Lucy: "Yes father."
Jude: "nice now your future husband is waiting in your room go talk to him, get to know him a little bit."
I just nod my head expecting defeat knowing that there's no way out. Father wasn't always so emotionless he only turned that way when my mother died. But this is taking it to far I mean he basically gave me away just for more power.Its like he doesn't even care about me anymore. I think to myself as I approach my room. I take a breath and slowly open the door seeing a blonde haired mad white  scar on his right eye shaped as a lightning bolt.
Lucy: "Hello my names Lucy."
As I was saying that he grabbed interrupted me
???: "I'm running away."
He said in a serious tone I didn't understand what he meant by that. What does he mean by "I'm going to run away".
Lucy: "huh what do you mean."
???: " I mean exactly what I just said I'm gonna run away. I don't want to marry you, I just met you and I'm already engaged to someone else."
Lucy: "Wait where are you going?"
???: "My grandpa owns a guild in a place called Magnolia. I'm only telling you this because I think you should come with me."
Lucy:  "W-what."
???: "Well I doubt you want to marry me either. You should come with me your dad doesn't care for you. I promise you you'll be happier in Fairy tail."
He says with a smile as I stare at him in shock is he really gonna run away. I want to go with him but my dad-. No I'm gonna go my dad isn't the same person he used to be I'm sick and tired of him treating me like a nobody.
Lucy: " Fine I'll go with you but first I don't think I caught your name yet."
???: "Heh I guess I forgot to introduce myself. Well anyway my names Laxus.
Lucy: " well then Laxus how are we gonna escape I mean it's not like there gonna let us walk away?"
Laxus: " I kinda expected you to make the plan cause you know you've lived here your whole life."
Lucy: "wow ok then let's go through the garden guards don't usually go there. And we can use the later I have in my closet."
Laxus: "Seems like you've done this before."
Lucy: "I have every night I would sneak out just to go to the garden and read."
Laxus smiles and positions the later down the window signaling me to go first. I nod and claim out the window going down slowly I then look up to see Laxus doing the same I'm almost to the end when all of a sudden I accidentally misplace my step and fall. I feel myself get more closer to hitting the ground when someone catches me. I look up to none other then lokey.
Lokey: "You ok beautiful?"
Lucy: "Yes, thank you lokey."
Lokey: "Of m'lady now what are we doing here aren't you supposed to be with the king right now?"
As lokey says that me and Laxus both look at each other knowing that we can either tell him about are plans and what happened in the palace or try to run away and hope he doesn't tell anyone about what he just saw.
Lucy: "Excuse me for a moment I'm gonna talk to Laxus about something really quick."
I say quickly grabbing Laxus hand and walking a couple feet away.
Laxus: "So what do we do now?"
Lucy: "I think we should tell him."
Laxus: "What are you crazy hell for sure tell your father about this and they'll end up finding us if we try to run."
Lucy: "We have a better chance of escaping if we told him. Lokey is the most loyal hard I have there's a chance he'll let us go."
Laxus: "Fine then if it's the best chance we have but if he turns on us we'll run over there through the forest got it."
Lucy: "Okay then sounds like a plan."
As we finish talking about are plan we walk back to lokey and tell him everything.
Lucy: "Lokey please let us run away I'll give you anything you want."
Lokey: "Calm down Lucy I won't tell anyone else about this you have my promise but on one condition."
Lucy: "What is I'll give you anything."
Lokey: "Let me come with you guys. And before you say anything I'll be able to protect you from any one that try's to follow us. So let me join you the only reason I signed up for this stupid job was to protect you Lucy and I'll continue to fulfill that job and keep you safe from anyone that tries to harm you. And even if you guys say no then I'll just follow you. There's no getting away from me, so shall we get going?"
Me and Laxus just smile happy that we have a new companion. We then walk into the forest getting out a map and walking for a while and stopping some times to get some rest and find food. It's now been a month since we've run away and we are getting really close to this place called magnolia.

Lucy: "How much longer do we have to go Laxus it been a month now and all we've eaten is fish and berries and not to mention I think lokey is going insane."
Lokey: "Yeah I know we only have one day of walking left."
I sigh in relief as we continue walking. We've been together for a whole month now and I've told them everything about me and they've done the same. At this point I consider them to be my family. They're the best people I could ever hope for I hope that fairy tail will be like this too. Over the past month Laxus told us more about fairy tail and how he would sneak away just to visit them. He also told us about this girl named Mira Jane, apparently she's Laxus fiancé he said they've been together for 4 years now and when Laxus turned 19 he proposed to her and now there engaged and are planning to get married 2 months from now. Laxus also talked about other people there Lissana, Mira Jane's sister and Natsu Lissanas boyfriend who Laxus mentioned him to be loud and annoying. There's also Erza who everyone is scared of. and then there's a boy named Gray fullbuster wich is the only thing that Laxus really knows about him. Laxus said that he's always quiet unless he's fighting with Natsu but other than that he never really talks." I don't know why but for some reason his name peaked my interest for some reason I feel like I know that name from somewhere.


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