Chapter 1 of suffered

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Sumiko was in tears as she was looking at the man who killed her family minus her little sister Nezuko she was on her knees on the soft snow as she looked up to his dark red eyes as he held out his hand to her

Sumiko: huh

Muzan: take my hand and come on before I change my mind of killing this one

Sumiko wasted no time she held his hand he pulled her close to him as she looked at nezuko with tears as she looked back at her nezuko had tears in her eyes as she saw her sister disappear in thin air

Nezuko: sister

Sumiko was now in the infinity castle she looked around as she saw a demon Muzan then threw her to the demon

Muzan: Daki I want you to give her some clothes I can't stand seeing her in those

Daki: yes lord Muzan come on

Daki grabbed her arm going to her room

Sumiko: hi oh you have a nice room

Daki: thanks now what to find you to wear cause these are not fashionable well sorta but it dirty

Sumiko: it's dirty cause I was selling charcoal

Daki: still that is just unacceptable dirt everywhere

Daki looked at her closet

Daki: ok girl short long revealing ok this will work to take a shower you smell like dust

Sumiko: where is it

Daki: over there

Sumiko went to the bathroom as she turned on the water as she undress

After taking a bath Sumiko took the outfit Daki left for her

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