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The three walked through the forest, holding up small talk. Most of it happening between Wilbur and
(Y/N), Tommy was staying as far away from the two as possible.

He would normally trust Wilbur, but his recent choices have been risky. Not the risk you need to make to run a country. The ones you make in reality tv, when its for entertainment and theres a safety net to fall into.

But they didn't have that. This reality show was Tommy's reality and he didn't have something to catch him when he fell.

Neither did Wilbur.
The man he looked up to for being level headed and decisive was now dancing on a tightrope of mental stability. Just barely landing on all the sweet spots keeping him up.

Tommy was scared he was going to fall, or that he already did and Tommy missed his echoing calls for help. But he trusted him— at one point he did at least. And most of the time it wasn't miss placed. So he'd try and hold that level of trust.

As the blonde stared off into space, picking at his finger nails and sending the occasional glare to the other two, they were having a lovely conversation at anything and everything.

Mainly it was Wilbur trying to prod information out of (Y/N) and (Y/N) answering as lazily as possible.

"How do you know Schlatt?"

"Old work friends."

"Is Schlatt your boss?"

"Yes and no."

"It's a yes or no question."


"Why is he sending you on jobs if he's not your boss?"

"I didn't say he wasn't my boss. And debt."

"Why are you in his debt?"

"I owe him money."

"Well no fucking shit-"

Wilbur rolled his eyes, blowing smoke out of lungs and tapping off the ash of his cigarette. Which is a more recent habit he's picked up. He smoked occasionally before but now his spread out indulgence are more.. common.

The three walked in silence as Wilbur gave up for now on picking the guys brain. As they approached a clearing in the woods (Y/N) looked over at Wilbur starting to speak before being cut off, "Hey, I saw-"

"Okay Wil! Why the hell is this guy with us?! He tried to kill me, he works with Schlatt, and obviously a fucking moron!" Tommy sputtered. His hands flying up and around pointing to (Y/N) then in Manbergs general direction, then back at

The (h/c) haired man didn't seem to care, he shrugged lazily and grumbled. "I would say the the last part was just hurtful but I kinda don't really give a fuck."

Wilbur swatted his hand in both their direction, immediately shutting the blonde up and pulling (Y/N)'s ever fleeting attention. He walked forward towards the very obviously disturbed soil that was pilled up against the mountain.

Opening up a hole and entering, (Y/N) quickly following along while eyeing the small room. Tommy continued to ramble about all his worry and annoyance. He continued to be ignored.

Our main characters hands ran along the walls as he walked down the janky stairs. The walls being the stone linings of a ravine.

The place was unorganized with random furnace and chest areas being scattered around and the jagged ground gripping to your boots begging you to fall.
It was obvious they'd just moved it and were still setting camp.

Not like (Y/N) could complain. He couldn't do much better.

As his (e/y) eyes uncaringly scanned the room, and he noisily dug through their chests much to Tommy's dismay. Brown, tired eyes watched over him.

Watching his every move with a level of interest that was uncanny.

He took in every feature the man showed, his lack of care, the smudged ink on his arm, the scars that scattered randomly on his arms and even his face.

None to big but noticeable enough.

He was an anomaly to Wilbur.

He went out seeking death?

And he owes Schlatt?


How much?

Why does he care so little?

Wilbur was definitely not to freaked out by him, but he held enough self preservation to not be as care free as (Y/N). But he couldn't care less.

His back was completely defenseless as he shifted through Tommy and Wilbur's things.

So easy to attack.

Completely open.

And he didn't seem to care wether Wilbur or Tommy would take that opportunity.

That intrigued Wilbur to no end. Wilbur lives for reasons.
He is tethered to humanity for L'manberg.
His son.

He wanted to know what tied
(Y/N) so tightly that his acceptance of death has yet to be answered.

He wouldn't have time to be answered as heavy thick boots slammed up behind him and a grunt was heard..

Along with the unmistakable sound of a cross bow squeak and being loaded.

Maybe the interesting mans call for death would be answered before Wilbur's questions.


Small run down for the few people that are probably gonna see this. Somethings very big and personal happened in my life. Don't feel comfortable disclosing more but yeah, sorry for the lack of updates on both stories but I'm back (maybe) now and I'm gonna try and get back into the every week schedule I had before. Chapter size might change as I try and get back into the flow of things. I'm sorry.

I hope ever single one of you lovely people have an absolutely fantastic day or night! You are loved more than you could ever know. <3333

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