Reincarnation (16th)

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3rd person pov ~~


"What? Why are we going to meet that snake?" Hinata asked as she thought this was the worst decision Naruto ever made.

"Because snakes can do something that normal humans can't." Naruto smirked.

"What are you planning? Please don't tell me that it's dangerous." Hinata sounded worried.

"There is something I want to tell you but i can't until I confirm it myself." Naruto sounded serious.

"I think I need to confirm one thing too."
Both of them didn't knew from where this voice came.

They looked around and the weather was changing. Black clouds covered the sky and their surroundings became dark.

They still can see each other though.
Suddenly a white cloth was visible by the waterfall side.

It didn't took long to Naruto to understand who was that person. He immediately kneeled down in a respecting manner and eyed Hinata to do the same.

Hinata did the same but she was on high alert. She didn't knew who certain man was he but Naruto seem to respect that man highly so surely he was someone important. The high chakra resources were not unnoticed by Hinata.

"Great old sage man, what do you need from us?" Naruto said and stood up
after giving a bow in the stance.

Watching him standing up Hinata stood up too but she was unware of all the events. The area soon darkened more and now only the man who came out from the waterfall was visible.

"Uzumaki Naruto... I hope that I have another surprising news for you." The man said and suddenly his eyes drafted to Hinata. "And for her too."

Hinata narrowed her eyes as she couldn't make out anything. Then suddenly something popped in her mind. The person standing infront of her, could it be...

"Please forgive me for my choice of words but are you Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the creator of Ninshu?" Hinata questioned him.

"I suppose this child here told you everything beforehand even I warned him not to but I guess he made my work easier." Hagoromo looked at

Naruto and he was already looking away from the embarrassment.

"Hyuga girl...." Hagoromo started in a serious tone that everyone looked at him with a serious eye.

"I have another visiter for you." Hagoromo said and Naruto and Hinata narrowed their eyes. Who else is there?

After a swirl of cold wind another figure appeared next to the sage and the another person was very much similar to the old sage.

"What is happening here?" Naruto whispered near to Hinata's ear.

"I don't know either." Hinata slowly replied making sure that these novel persons don't hear their stupid conversation.

"Byakugan princess...." The other man said in a very careful tone.

Hinata couldn't do anything, her feet unknownly carried her forward.

"I, Otsutsuki Hamura, can easily say that you will become a perfect reincarnation of me and the other child there has already become a successful reincarnation of my elder brother."

"What?" Naruto shouted out of nowhere.

"What are you saying, you new old sage  man? Wait a minute, you are saying that the great old sage man is you your elder brother and you are his younger brother, Otsutsuki Hamura. And also, you are saying that I am the reincarnation of the great old sage man? How is that even possible? He said that I was the reincarnation of his youngest son Ashura and Sasuke is the reincarnation of his eldest son Indra. Sasuke and I are destined to stop Your mother. So what part Hinata has in it? How can she be your reincarnation? Ughh.... Somebody please explain something to me, I have lost clue of everything." Naruto shurgged as his brain was already processing too much information for his kind.

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