chapter 6

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Mateo Pov

After my timetable was cleared, I made my way to Mal and Evie's dorm and when I went inside I saw Jane there. We both made eye contact but immediately looked away due to the awkwardness rising. Hey M, how was your classes? Evie asked me while she was sewing.

Could have been better, but girls tried hitting on me, even though I said I was gay but they asked me what that is! I said with anger due to NO ONE IN THIS FUCKING SCHOOL knew what the lgbtq is. Damn that's sad bro. Now come help me with the spellbook. Mal said while laying on her bed.
Fine, I'm doing it cause I'm bored and Jay isn't here. I said while I went to go sit next to my sister. There was silence until Jane spoke up.

Uhm, your n-name is Mateo right...? She said as she looked quite nervous. Mhm, you're Jane right? I asked. Yeah, but uhm, I can't help but wonder, what is "gay" specifically...? After she said that, I was about to slice her with my umbrella but I put that thought away from my mind and just answered her calmly.

Its when someone likes their own gender. For example, I'm a guy and I'm dating jay who is also a guy. I'm gay and he's bi. Bisexuality is when you like both genders. Does that answer your question? I stated while looking at her with my normal resting bitch face. She looked shocked for a moment before speaking up. O-oh, well congrats on your guys' relationship!... she said with an excited tone. I just smiled at her and thanked her.

But anyway-

Jane started to explain why she finds boys clueless and how her mother shields her from almost everything.

Mom said, if a boy can't see the beauty within then he's not worth it.  Can you believe it?! What world does she live in...
She says with sadness in her voice. Auradon? Mal says with a "duh" tone in her voice. Evie then looks up and calls both of us while holding up a dark blue dress/skirt. M, do you guys like?~ she asks. Yeah it's cute. Mal said while I finished her sentence it brings out your eyes~ i said while sounds sincere. She smiled than said I know~

Out of no where, Jane speaks up I'll never get a boyfriend.. she said with sadness again. Omg this girl! I thought before Mal spoke up boyfriends, are overrated.

I gave her the side eye before evie spoke and how would you know Mal? You've never had one~ evie says while I laugh. Because I don't need one E! They are a waste of time

I looked at her offended before saying excuse me? Are you saying Jay is a waste of time?! She looks at me before smirking yes~ I jut huff and look the other way before evie stands up oh gosh, I forgot to do Chad's homework. Oh no, oh nonono! She says before searching through her bag.

Ok now I see what you mean... I say while looking dumbfounded before Mal laughed and went back to reading. Then a knock came from the door and then it opened. Hey guys, I'm Lonnie. My mom's mulan? She said but everyone kept quiet. No? Anyways, I LOVE what you done with Jane's hair anddd i know you hate us and well, you're evil. She said while me and mal smirked.

But, do you think u could do mine? I side eye her while Mal just looked at her before responding why would I do that for you? Typical Mal. Always with the attitude. I'll pay you $50? Lonnie says while holding a bad of money.

On cue, Evie stands up and goes to Lonnie good answer, I'll need to buy more material. Let's see, I'm thinking... we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and then- evie then gets cut off by Lonnie no no no, I want it cool, like Mal and Mateo's she says in a cheery tone.

Mal looks up and then looks at me and nudges me. What? I asked you do it since we both have magicules in our body I was looking at her like she is mad. I grunted then took her spell book and went to the spell.

  Beware for swear, replace the old, with cool hair. After chanting the spell, I waved my hand left, then right, then up and then down and then finally I raised her head slowly as her hair grew longer while her ends became abit curly.

I smile at her before I sit back down while she goes to the mirror and looks at her hair. Wow- Lonnie says astonished before evie cut her off I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what, let's cut it off, layer it and then- she then also gets cut off by Lonnie as she replied no no, I love it!

Evie looks confused you do..? Lonnie then states after afew seconds it's just- she cuts herself off before ripping her skit abit. Me and mal smirk at this while looking at each other.

Now I'm cool! Lonnie says while we all nod. Like ice~ Jane then goes to the mirror and rips her skirt too before regretting her decision. Oh no! What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me! She says as we just giggle.

Atleast we all having fun..


And I am done with chapter 6 :,)

Sorry for taking so long with this. It was half way done but I didn't carry on cause my cousin comit suicide by hanging himself so I was VERY emotional but I'm fine now and I will continue to upload

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
See yall in the next one~

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! See yall in the next one~

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