The Hand

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We got to be partners, as he had said we would. No one has showed up, in like 10 minutes! They are all probably looking upstairs.

My phone vibrated. I was doodling and Ben was...looking nervous? Maybe it's the teacher that makes him nervous. Whatever that's about! It was a text from Em!!

Em~Hey!! How is class with your secret bf? Has he made a move??????? Eye roll.

Me~No! He is dating my sis!!!!!!!

Em~But you better than her!

Me~Whatever you say! i so am not, she is gorgeous. and i am.. well, i am me!

Em~And he is him. And i am me! WHO CARES!? its so obvi that yall r into each other. When you are alone KISS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!

Me~I cant do tht 2 my sis, u no tht

Em~ya, ya, i no! but still funny 2 think of you pouncing on him in the hallway LOLz!!!!

"Hahaha!" I laughed...oops!


"What's so funny?" The teacher asked.

"I, uh...," I can't think.

"I was telling her the joke you told last year! She loved it!" Ben interrupted me.

The teacher just nodded and went back to reading. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Anytime. What WERE you laughing at? If I may ask." Ben whispered back at me.

"Em. She is being stupid!" I quietly laughed and joked he scooted closer to me.

"She is a goof, isn't she?" He smiled.

"Yeah, but she is our goof!" I smiled, while i began to doodle again.

Em~So do you like sitting pretty much on his lap??

Me~WHAT?!?!?!? AM NOT!!!!!!!

Em~I just saw u! Laughing together! Did the teacher yell at you?

Me~Why were u walkin passed my room?!

Em~Bathroom break ;)

Me~Sure, Sure!

Em~trust me ;)

I felt breath on my lower ear and neck. I knew it was Ben by the goosebumps that now cover every inch of my body.

"Aren't you gonna text her back?" He whispered. His breath, as he spoke, on my neck, made goosebumps on my goosebumps.

"Um, yes?" I was lost, what was the question again? Oh yeah! "Yes, yes I, uh, am. I will now." He doesn't know what he is doing to me! I can barely speak around him!

Me~I guess, I'll have to, but whatever. He is whispering in my ear to text you back! HAHA!

I'm trying to stay calm.

Em~is he still reading this cause I need to discuss something private with know THAT time of the month??

"Eww, girls talk about that kind of stuff?" I heard near my ear and he moved over to his own side now.

Me~Now, he isn't. He read that and moved. So what do you want to say about him. Hurry before he looks back at me. 

Em~Okay, Okay! I think he likes you!! He may break up with Sarah for you!!! Honestly I think he only dated her to be closer to you!

I look at Ben, He was writing something. He was hiding it. Well, sort of, his head was on his left arm. It looked like he was napping except for the fact that you could hear the pen moving across the paper.

The teacher probably said something that I missed. I looked around and the class was pretty much full. Where have I been?

"What did I miss?" I whispered in Ben's ear. He shivered, slightly. It was a little cold in her, I suppose.

I was still by his ear when he turned to look at me. He studied my face for a minute.

"You didn't miss anything. He just told us his name. But he wrote that much on the board." He smiled the most perfect smile I have ever seen. And that is saying a lot because Taylor Lautner has a great smile.

"Mr. Lopez" was written on the board.

I heard just in time, "But you can all call me Marcus. Whether it is Mr. Marcus or just Marcus. I don't care." He smiled.

"Can I walk you to Biology after class?" Ben whispered in my ear.

He is driving me crazy!! I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head.

"Cool!" He looked down at my notebook on the table. I guess he noticed my horrible art work. He grabbed my hands. He studied my left hand, then took a pen to my right hand. He covered it so i could't see. I pretended to pay attention to the teacher, but i was really focused on his hands touching mine. Honestly, I don't remember what class this even is!!

When he pushed my hand back on my side of the table/desk,he just drew lines? What was it suppose to be? I studied it. I must have looked confused cause he quietly laughed.

Then, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I'll do more at lunch. Wanna keep you guessing. I'll touch it it up as well." He chuckled, quietly in my ear. Now I was the one shivering, but not from the cold. He moved away from my ear, and I just thought about the way he had touched me.

I kept looking at my hand. What could it possibly be? Would he finish it at lunch? Would he tell me? No, he won't tell me. He is too smart for that! Ugh, this is driving me crazy already!

Before I expected it, the bell rang and every pretty much ran out the door except Ben, myself and 3 other students, who were gathering their books. We didn't need them today but whatever.

Again, he grabbed my two Spanish books, my notebook, and my pen bag. He then walked to my left side, as I got down from the seat.We walked to my locker, I opened it and he neatly placed my stuff in as I had before.

A/N ~ Hey, guys I know it's been a while sense I updated. Sorry about that should be better now that, I'm heading home. I'm typing this all while I'm on the plane. Sitting next to a nice woman and her son. When i finally post this i hope to be in the comfort of my own bed. After three months of not being home. I think I might be ready. Though I want to cry thinking about the fact that I'm leaving Florida.  Thank you all for your patience! 

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