Chapter one- backstory

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Danny's point of view

" c'mon son I'll teach you how to swim " Danny's dad said

" ok papa but I'm a bit scared " Danny confessed

" don't worry champ I'll keep you safe " his dad said with a warm smile

" ok papa "

Danny and his dad went to the ocean there was barely anyone there maybe a few couples tanning but other then that it was just Danny and his dad

Danny's dad then let Danny into the water

" I'll be right here Danny if you want to come out and have me help you just call my name! " Danny's dad yelled

" Ok papa I will! " Danny shouted back

Danny went into the water as his father watched but soon Danny felt a shiver down his spine when he saw a big wave coming by

" papa! " Danny called out

" ya son?! " Danny's dad replied

" I wanna get out now! I see a big wa-" Danny was cut off by the wave washing over his head

" Danny! " his dad called out in fear

Danny had no reply his father could not see him

" Danny!! " his father called him again

" papa! " danny called out spitting water out his throat as he finally made it to air

" danny! Don't worry I'm coming! " his dad said but it was to later

Danny's dad tried going in the water but the waves pushed him away and soon Danny's head was underneath the water again

" Danny!! " his dad screamed

There was no reply, soon after the waves calmed down Danny's dad couldn't see his son anymore Danny's dad called the police and after some searching they could not find Danny it was later reported that Danny was dead

As Danny's dad drove home in tears he then explained what happened to Danny's mother

Danny's mother was shocked and sad

Later In the month a funeral was held for Danny, his mother his father and his whole family came to say their goodbyes

But they didn't know that Danny was in heaven. He was playing games. He was hanging out with his best friend Marcy and his story did not end; it had just begun...

Marcys story

"Angela! Come on, we have to make it to the top fast!" Marcy yelled out to her friend.

"I'm coming!!" Angela yelled for a response

The two were rushing up a hill. Angela was a 17 year old girl. She had signed up for a simple job of babysitting for parents with younger children, which is how she met Marcy. Marcy was your average six year old girl, other than the fact she was autistic. She loved pastel colors and always wore them, her outfits were like the outfits of people that dress Scene. Except with pastel colors. She was wearing her pink Invader zim Gir shirt, matched with a plain pastel blue jacket so she wouldn't get cold that chilly summer night. Her skirt was a Tutu shirt which had a pastel rainbow all over the skirt, black and a pastel green and black striped long socks to cover her legs, her shoes were just simple peppa pig shoes any six year old girl would love. Angela was babysitting Marcy that night for her parents' 4th anniversary. Marcy loves Star gazing. Marcy had white hair, just like her grandma, and uncle, (on her mothers side of the family). Her hair was not short, it was more, a mid length, going to her shoulders. Her hair was curly and always all over the place. One blue eye, and one green colored eye, an odd combination of two different eye colors that only match her.

"Hey! You know you're not Supposed to be running, especially up a hill!!" Angela yelled out to Marcy in a worry

"Okay, I'll slow down! Do you have the sandwitches? It's OUR 2nd Anniversary since you first started to babysit me!' Marcy asked excitedly, with a hint of proudness and sassyness in her voice.

"Yep, I got pp and j, and pp and Nutella, I got meat sandwiches, some with pickles, some with cheese, some with turkey, some with ham.'' Angela listed all the different types of sandwiches she had prepared for the picnic.

"Let's go!" Marcy muttered happily.

"You can't gobble them down, Okay?" Anegla told her in a stern, but sweet voice.

"I know, the doctor said it's bad for me, and my heart... or it will hurt my heart... But I know Angela!" She hollered from the top of the hill.

[ A couple hours pass ]

"You awake Marcy? You ate like three sandwiches." Angela asked.

"..." Marcy had no response

Angela sighs, she cleans up the picnic basket and starts to head back to Marcy's house because her parents should be home.

"Marcy?" Her mom called her name once Angela and Marcy got back

Marcy had no answer.

After a half an hour of trying to get her up, they realized... She was dead. She had died in her sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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