Chapter 32

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We arrive at a huge club with loud disco music and a bunch of cool lights. Harry steps out of the car after he parks and then opens the door for me. I step out of the car and close the door. He takes my hand and leads me to the doors. There's a huge line but Harry cuts to the front where there's a man standing by the door holding a list. "Styles." Harry says. "Welcome." The man says and smiles sweetly opening the door for us. We step in and there's a whole lot of people. "This way." Harry says and puts me infront of him but keeping hold of my hand.

We walk all the way to the back of the club where there's people sitting on sofas. "Harry!" A girl yells and stands up and hugs Harry. "Gemma this is Zoey." Harry tells the girl. "Oh my god! Is this the girl you've been talking to me about?!" She yells and hugs me taking me by surprise. "Oh god. Where are my manners. I'm Gemma. Harry's sister." She says. I wave a hello to her almost forgetting I can't talk. "Harry she is so pretty!" She yells over the loud music. Harry smiles and walks over to the rest of the people. "Harry! You came!" A lady yells. She seems a bit older maybe around her 30's. She hugs him and then looks at me. "Harry is this the Zoey you have been talking about?" She yells. "Yup." Harry says.

"Zoey this is Marrisa." Harry says. I also wave a high to her. "Harry oh my god you're actually here!" A blond girl yells and then screams and then jumps on Harry making Harry's hand slip away from mine. She gets down from Harry and I quickly grip Harry's hand again making him look down at it. "Oh. Is this the famouse Zoey." She says. So Harry has been talking about me. Alot. "Hi I'm Miranda." She says and I wave a hello to her. "Can she speak?" Miranda says looking a Harry. "Oh yeah I just have her in time out." Harry says. "Harry you bad boy!" Miranda yells and slides her hand down Harry's arm. "You can speak now." Harry says in my ear.

"Harry my man!" Niall yells and hugs Harry. He has a bottle in his hand. "Niall!" Harry says and pulls away. "Zoey!" Someone yells and hugs me. "Sophie!" I yell after looking at her. "So how's it been with you and Niall?" I ask. "Awesome! He's the best guy ever!" Sophie yells and hugs Niall. Niall turns around to face Sophie and kisses her passionately. Tongue and everything. Everyone whistles and cheers and they pull away. "Harry!" Someone else yells and hugs Harry. "Oh. My. God. Is this Zoey!" The girl yells looking at me. "Yup." Harry says. "Harry she is so beautiful!" She says. "Thank you Ciara." Harry says. Who are these people? Harry knows alot of people.

"Here." Niall says handing us a bottle of beer. "Now you can drink." Harry tells me and winks. Harry opens the bottle for me and then he opens his bottle. He hands it back to me and I take a drink out of it and so does Harry. Harry then tilts my chin up and kisses me passionately. His tongue enters my mouth very slowly and then moves around inside my mouth. Everyone cheers and whistles and claps. He has never kissed me like this before. It was so slow and passionate. He seems so hungry for me and he makes me feel loved. His whole tongue gets shoved inside and dances and jerks around in my mouth.

We pull away from each other and I take another sip of the bottle. "Come! Sit!" Marrissa says and points to the sofa. I sit next to Marrissa and Miranda. "So how long have you and Harry been together?" Miranda asks as Marrisa gets up and leaves to go somewhere. "Um about three months now." I say. "What? Sorry I can't hear you over the music. Let's go talk by the bathrooms." She says and gets up. I follow behind her. She opens the door and we enter inside the bathroom but not inside the stalls. "So how long?" She asks again. "Three months." I said again. "Oh. Me and Harry lasted longer." She brags. "Um...nice to know." I say. "Yeah. We lasted like five months."  "Well that's only two more months. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but it's it's only two more months away."

"Yeah. Oh he is so talented with that mouth and tongue. We broke up before you came along you know."  I stay quiet not knowing how to answer to that. "Um I think Harry might be wondering where I am right now." I finally say and turn to walk out but Miranda grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall. "Listen to me." She says looking at me, our faces only centimeters away. "Harry was mine and will be mine again. You are not good enough for him. I'm better than you and much prettier than you. Harry. Is. Mine. Not yours. Mine. So back off. Harry doesn't love you. You must be stupid to think that. But all you should know is that Harry's gonna be leaving you soon. Harry's mine. Understand?" I nod quickly and she exits the bathroom.

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