6 | Bye-Bye Burrow

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Harry had fallen asleep before his head hit the pillow once he arrived back home that night. And he'd completely shaken off any of the family's attempts at talking to him with a slurred but angry 'I'm tired'.

But unfortunately, in the search for answers that evening, Harry was met with even more questions regarding Malfoy which replayed in his head over and over again as he slept. He assumed it was because of this that he woke up feeling groggy and exhausted. Damn Malfoy.

"Harry!" Ginny called in a sing-song voice, which was rather uncharacteristic of her, "Wake uuuuup!"

The only thing that emanated from Harry's mouth was an irritated grunt as he rolled over to his other side, in hopes that not facing Ginny would somehow silence her. But it did not.

Not only was Ginny's penetrating voice irking Harry, but now his eyelids were being pried open by the beam of sunlight hitting his face. Perfect.

"And you say I'm irresponsible," Ginny snorted, finally forcing Harry to open his eyes and turn his head back to her.

"Wha'?" Harry mumbled, resisting the urge to close his eyes again.

"Oh, you're finally awake!" Ginny smiled, throwing herself onto her boyfriend and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck in an uncomfortable attempt to hug him.


Harry struggled to push Ginny off of himself with his arms being trapped beneath him. He didn't have the strength to open his own eyes, let alone shove a body off his own.

"Guess what?" the redhead whispered into Harry's ear. Her lips were so close to his ear that her voice caused his hairs to stand on end.

"Ger'off," Harry grumbled, managing to free his arms and gently nudging Ginny in another feeble attempt to release himself from her tight grasp.

But she barely budged as she proceeded to giggle, her breath brushing against Harry's neck. At last she fell to Harry's side, finally allowing him to breathe without lifting a human weight on his chest. Well, maybe Harry was overreacting, but in his defence he had just woken up and felt like he'd barely had any sleep, thanks to Malfoy and his alluring but infuriating secrecy.

"I . . ." Ginny whispered, with a voice that made it evident that she was smiling, in Harry's ear, "passed the tryouts!"

"What?" Harry asked, finally coming to life.

He turned to Ginny who then grinned, "I stunned them! Well, not literally, but they were quick to tell me that I'd definitely be moving onto the next round of tryouts."

"Next round?" Harry was in utter disbelief upon hearing that Ginny still had a while to go before she'd be told whether she was able to join the Holyhead Harpies. Of course Harry knew that just one tryout wouldn't be enough to consider someone legible to join a team well-known nationwide, but he'd hoped they'd be quick.

"Sometime next month," Ginny shrugged, but her smile was undying as she continued, "but aren't you happy? I passed!"

"Of course I am," Harry smiled back, considering whether or not to run his hand through her soft red hair, or if it'd be a bit uncomfortable considering that her life plans didn't indicate that their relationship would last too much longer, but Harry hoped for the best. "I just thought— I expected them to be over and done with—well—I wanted them to be over and done with. . . ."

"I get what you mean, but it certainly alleviated a lot of stress knowing that the judges found my flying outstanding, as they put it," Ginny giggled. "I'm sure my next tryouts will go well enough."

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