26 | A Casual Confession

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The rest of the week flew by and before Harry knew it, it was already the day before Valentine's Day. Valentine's Eve, if you will.

It was a Sunday so both he and Draco were off work. As much as Harry loved Draco's company, he didn't find it too convenient today since he wanted to spend the day planning tomorrow's confession.

Going to Diagon Alley in the early morning was completely out of the question as well: as soon as Harry even turned away from Draco, Draco woke up and started complaining, demanding for Harry to 'come warm up my back.'

"Draco, love, I'll be a moment," Harry covered his mouth as he realised what he'd said, but Draco wasn't as aware of Harry's words. All he heard was a bitter betrayal.

"Don't go," Draco grumbled, turning to face Harry and resting his arm on Harry's midsection. "I love you too much."

"I'm not leaving you," Harry laughed. But as if Viridis heard what was going on and wanted to make Harry's life even harder, she pranced into the room and jumped onto the bed, deciding that Harry's legs were the perfect place to sleep at this moment. "Well fuck, I can't move at all now."

"And for good reason," Draco smiled sleepily, placing his head on Harry's chest. "Stay with me."

"And you call me a clingy girlfriend."

"I'm a protective boyfriend."

Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes. "What exactly are you protecting me from?"

"Other guys . . . and girls, you bisexual bitch. Just pick one. Preferably guys, though."

"Draco, I assure you I'm not going to be attacked by anyone, and what has that got to do with my orientation?"

"So stupid," Draco giggled into his chest. "I don't want you to get a partner."

What if it's you?

"You won't have to worry about that for now," Harry said, nuzzling Draco's head. "Your hair's getting long. Aren't you going to cut it someday?"

"Hm, no. I'll see how long it can get." Draco's hand creeped up to Harry's chest. "You can have more fun with it in that way."

"You shouldn't grow it just for me."

"I was considering growing it out for a while. Now I have more reason to. Learn to braid hair, Harry," he half-opened his eyes and gazed up at the raven-haired boy. "I'm hiring you as my hairstylist."

"I'll fuck it up," Harry murmured, running his hand through Draco's hair, wondering what it would actually look like if it were longer. Hopefully not like Lucius'. Opposed to the fact that Draco got the Veela-like genes from his parents, Harry didn't fancy dating Lucius.

"At least you're the one that'll fuck it up. I'll still love it nonetheless."

"I can't tell if you're saying that so you won't feel the guilt of ruining your own hair or if you actually like the idea of me doing your hair."


The two laughed, but Harry's mind started to wander again as it usually did with Draco. Today, however, the thoughts were particularly bad. He knew that today was the last day of his and Draco's friendship, regardless of whatever happened. Harry could only hope that they'd become closer after that, as he also wanted to finish off what Draco had started in the cafe but he hadn't the nerve to do so. Knowing whether Draco saw him in that way or if it was just a spontaneous decision where he was overcome by emotion would make that a hell of a lot easier.

"What're you thinking about?" Draco inquired, noticing Harry's sudden change of expression. Harry couldn't hide anything from Draco—somehow, however he did it, Draco always seemed to read Harry's mind.

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