27 | Happy Valentine's Day

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Harry and Draco both skipped work on Valentine's Day. Eachother's company was more important than working, after all. But despite the countless hours Harry spent with Draco now, he still wasn't used to the addicting fuzzy feeling that came with it. He couldn't get enough.

If he was being honest, Harry couldn't be more grateful for Draco. While Draco insisted that he was the lucky one for having Harry, he was the one who surprised Harry with a lazy morning. In fact, he was the one who'd convinced Gawain Robards (the head Auror) for Harry's day off the night before.

"Draco," Harry mumbled, intoxicated by the feeling of his boyfriend's comforting warmth on his back.

"Yes?" Draco gently squeezed him in his arms.

"You didn't have to do all this, y'know."

"But I wanted to."


"Are you stupid?"

"Maybe," a smirk appeared on Harry's lips as his eyes slowly shut, "or maybe I just want to hear you say that you love me."

"After insulting you?" From Draco's voice, Harry could tell that he was smiling too.

"Mhm." Harry nuzzled his pillow as if it were Draco. The only thing that stopped him from turning over was the fact that he didn't want to lose the heat on his back—it made him feel too safe. "Go on. Tell me that you love me."

"You're a glutton for my love," Draco laughed softly on the back of his neck.

"Or I'm just a glutton for you."

"Please don't eat me."

"What if I do?" Harry grinned, attempting to look back at Draco, but grunting at the realisation that he wasn't an owl.

"Oh come on, Harry," Draco remarked, noticing Harry's struggle. "Let your Slytherin side take over for once. Just turn the fuck over." Reluctantly, Harry flipped over. But it was worth it, as his eyes were met with Draco's handsome face. "By the way, did you say you wanted to eat me?" he inquired, his eyebrows raised paired with a suggestive smirk.

"Not in that way!" Harry gasped, flushing as he comprehended what Draco was hinting at.

"Oh? In which way then?"

"Er— well— um— okay. Let's just talk about something else."

"But I need to know if you're a cannibal or a homosexual, Harry. Don't you understand?" Draco uttered his words with genuine concern, sending Harry into a fit of laughter.

"What if I'm bisexual? Are we gonna ignore that?" asked Harry. "Are you willfully contributing to bi erasure?"

"Yeah. You're gay now, sorry not sorry," Draco chuckled. "I'm not letting my Harry be taken away by a girl. That's too much competition for me—guys are more than enough."

"Well then, you're lucky that I'm planning to spend my entire life with you." Harry's words were met with Draco pulling him close with such vigour that only someone who was truly thirsty for Harry's love could muster.

"I fucking love you," he whispered into Harry's ear.

Without missing a beat, Harry replied "I love you too."

For a moment, the couple fell silent. Harry found himself lost in the beauty of Draco's eyes that sparkled silver as a subtle smile played on his lips. He was only taken out of the trance when raindrops began to tap against Draco's bedroom window.

"It's raining," Harry remarked, glancing at the window.

"Oh really? I didn't know," Draco replied dryly.

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