The Pokemon grand gauntlet: Race across Sonata Tracks.

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Isaac: Gasp *Cough cough cough wheeze* Oh fuck! pant...pant...pant...

???: There you go. There's the champ.

I Looked up to see Nora, Damien, and some other dude looking above me. I jumped up knowing my last memory was down underwater but I noticed we were back in Miara town.

???: You kids sure are damn lucky I was in the area. Now just what the hell were you all doing down there?

Jewel: Trying to slaughter Audrey.

Isaac: Speak for yourself.

Jewel: We were!

Isaac: You were! I don't think me or Nora had death intentions, right?

Nora: Yeah! Killing her and Nixie is a taller order than we can eat!

???: Hey! I'm talking here.

We all shut up.

???: What you did was extremely dangerous. You were lucky I found your friend and your Dunsparce. Do you realize what type of threat you're messing with just tackling cults all by your lonesome?

We all looked at each other and nodded our heads which seemed to surprise the guy.

???: Sigh... just leave the cultists to the police and the Auger from no-

Jewel: No! Fuck that!

Isaac: Dude! Shut up!

Jewel: No! I'm tired of hearing adults trying to tell me to leave things for the "professionals" when our "professionals" don't work "professionally" at all! Did ANYONE do anything in this past year when the First Auger died? Did Jearn like he promised?! No! He built giant gold statues to get people to worship him! And a shitty police force with the regulations of what laws the champion has provided just proved EXACTLY how we CAN'T just leave to the authorities! SOMEONE needs to do something and that someone is ME!

He looked at me and Nora.

Jewel: Sigh... *ahem* Us... Yeah, I meant us...

The guy was speechless. Jewel Was spitting facts. He kinda reminded me of myself trying to fight my mom trying to go on a journey.

???: Well said... hard to argue with that logic... but does that make any difference if you die and unjustly bring people down with you?

Jewel: Adam didn't die for nothing. There is a thing called sacrifice.

???: Kid, Adam was a grown man who defeated 5 cults in the span of a year.

Jewel: And I've been slowly shooting random cultists to death...

Nora: Jewel, You could at the very least thank this guy for saving your life!

Jewel: Tch! Diancie would've done just fine doing that job. This guy ain't special.

???: Now watch it, kid. I happen to be the Amphitrite Gym leader... Wait did you say Diancie? Whoa, wait... Are all you kids...

Jewel: Yes, we're chosen by the pixies! Now is that justifiable for our actions?

???: To an extent, yes. this changes things. but You're still awfully reckless. The cults are just as aware of the prophecy as anyone else. Knowing that you have pixies in general is a reg flag for them. So until you can actually uphold some level of responsibility the answer is officially Absolutely not.

Jewel crossed his arms.

Isaac: Mind him. He's uh... let's just say he has personal problems.

???: I get it. Name's Calreath. Don't worry about introducing yourselves. I already have been informed by your friend.

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