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“ I think it is beautiful how the Moon glows using the Sun's light and the Sun never asks for anything in return

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I think it is beautiful how the Moon glows using the Sun's light and the Sun never asks for anything in return.”


Gentle footsteps hitting the cobbled stoned floor was heard, as it halted.

Ozial..? ”

M/n halted his steps when he felt his companion's aura, the raven flew it's way to his master as it caw.

“ Is something troubling you, my sweet? ” You gently rub the raven's beak perched in your arm as it leaned more on your touch, cooing by the affection, ozial growned quite into a majestic bird, ravens tend to be excellent at mimicking human speech.

“ My” Ozial cawed rubbing it's head in your arm.

“ Mhm, well come along now oz or we'll be late at the ceremo— eh..did you heard that..?? ” Your ear twitched at the sound of rattling and exploding, as ozial flew his way at the direction where the sound came from allowing you to follow him.






“ My dear beloved. A lovely and noble flower of evil.”

“ Truly, you are the most beautiful of all.”

“ Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the...”





“ Those who are guided by the dark mirror...”

“ As long as your heart desires, ”

“ take the hand that appears in the mirror.”

𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 | Twisted Wonderland x Enchanted!Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now