Chapter 2 Orderly

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Time when on and it seemed as if they hated each other. 'It's the same thing every day. Wake up, hang out in the rainbow room with Henry, eat, do lessons, sleep and repeat. What did I expect.' 

another 3 years later

Henry was given a uniform and he now had a job. 

"How do I look?" Henry asked Mariya. She looked at him up and down. 

"What the hell are you wearing?" Mariya asked. Henry had to stand next to the double doors that lead to the hallway. He looked emotionless as he stood there with his hands behind his back. He towered over Mariya. He was very tall while she stayed under 5 feet. Henry let a small laugh escape his mouth.

"Short." Henry said. Mariya formed fists with her hands. 'If he doesn't shut his mouth, I will start singing....' A memory of her mother popped into her head. 'Never mind.'  Her eyes began to form tears.

"Chess?" Mariya asked.

"Sure." Henry said. "By the way, I'm an orderly now, so you have to call me Peter Ballard."

"Cut the bullshit American. I'm not calling you that." Mariyah said. She sat down across from Henry. 

Papa walked into the room and said, "Mariya, it's time for your next lesson. Peter. Come." 

In the testing room.

"Today, you are going to learn how to control your voice. I want you to put one crack on this class cup without shattering it. Everyone cover your ears." Papa said. "Go." Mariya sang her mother's song, but nothing happened. She didn't want to risk hurting anyone. "Take your time." Papa said with his ears still covered. She sang it again, and put one crack on the glass, just as Papa had said. 

"Very good Mariyah. Everyone may stop covering their ears. Mr. Ballard, please take Mariya back to the rainbow room." Papa said. Henry took Mariya's hand and led her to the rainbow room. Henry once again stood next to the double doors with nothing on his face, but a smile. Mariya stared at his nonmoving body confused. 

"Do you need something?" Henry asked making Mariya slightly jump.

"Why do you have to stand there like that?" Mariya asked.

"It's my job." Henry said.

"Your job is to stand there and look hot?" Mariya realized what she just said. 

Henry cleared his throat and said, "No, my job is to take care of you and watch over you." Mariya sighed and walked over to the board with number 1-10 at the bottom. She put circles in the middle and watched them fall. She had a specific number in her mind. Someone startled her by saying, "Which one are you aiming for?" It was Henry. 

"3." Mariya said as they both sat down. 

"You know, sometimes it's helpful to step away for a moment. Let the mind clear." Mariya ignored him and put another circle in the middle. It landed on 6. Mariya was clearly frustrated. "You remind me of someone. Someone I think of more than a friend." Henry said before slowly taking a circle from Mariya's hand. The feeling of his hand caused her face to show a light shade of pink. Henry put the circle under 2 and walked back to the doors. 

'That's my number, but how could he know. I've never shown him. Does he really think of me more than a friend.' I forgot what that word was called.' The door opened and intruded her thoughts. Papa walked in and told Mariya it was time for bed. She looked at the clock on the wall, and said, "But it's only 7:35." Mariya said. She had a flash back of when Henry taught her how to read time.

"The small hand points to the hour and the long hand points to the minutes, so what time is it?" Henry asked.

"315?" Mariya asked.

"3:15" Henry corrected her. "Close enough."

flashback over 

"Peter, please guide Mariya to her room." Papa commanded. Henry nodded and obeyed his order. 

"Goodnight." Henry mumbled to himself as Mariya closed her door.

The next day

A/n I'm sorry if this confuses you, but I'm going to change the way that I write. 

Mariya's POV

I woke up from another nightmare. I got a better vision of this creature. He had vines all over his body. I was starting to convince myself that he was under my bed ready to snatch me by my feet with his long claws. I opened my door to see the endless hallway. Usually, Henry and I would wake up at the same time and walk to the rainbow room together, but he got a different room somewhere else. I made my way to the rainbow room, and I was surprised to see Henry. 

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to join. Someone's a sleepyhead this morning." Henry said. I didn't have enough energy to yell at him, so I stared at him until he said, " I guess you're still not quite awake huh?" 

"I'm sorry. Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"No. Why do you think that? You're just missing out on all the fun." Henry said. Ever since he became an orderly, he's been acting weird. He doesn't talk like he used to. He sounds too professional. I decided to draw something. I stared at the paper, thinking about what to draw. My mind wondered about Henry. I never really thought about how good his hair looks, or how amazing his eyes are. His smile makes me smile. When I was done fantasizing about him, I noticed that I drew him on the paper. I quickly folded it, and his it behind my back. I wish I had pockets like Henry. I quickly got up from my chair, and I bumped into someone with a white uniform.

"Would you like me to hold that for you?" Henry asked. 

"I-I. No." I said.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked.

"I'm fine, American." I said.

 Papa walked into the room and said, "Mariya, come with me." I sighed and gave Henry my drawing before I followed Papa into the endless hallway. "I know you're only 14 years old, but for this to work, the best time is now. You are going to get a job just like Peter." Papa said. Papa gave me an outfit, and a pair of black shoes. "There are going to be more kids just like you and Peter. You and him will watch over them and fulfill their needs if they ask. Your new name will be Stella Harper, and you can NOT tell anyone your number." Papa put a red thing in my neck. I tried not to scream.

A few minutes later

"I see you got the job." Henry said. "You look very beautiful in your uniform."

"Thank you." I said, as I remembered I made a mean comment on his. "Can I get my drawing back?" I asked.

"Here." Henry said as he gave me my drawing. I put it in my pocket before Papa came in.

"You two can chat for a little bit. You need to be in your rooms by 8:00." Papa said before leaving once again. I looked up at Henry. He was still very tall. I stood on my tippy toes to reach his level, but he was still very much taller. I sighed and stopped.

"Here, let me get down to your level." Henry said, as he got on one knee. I was able to look down at him, but not by far. I looked at the clock, and it was 8: 00. Papa showed me my new room. It had a bigger bed and more room. I said good night to Henry and went to bed.

The next day

Henry and I went to the rainbow room, and there were three other kids. 

"Good morning children. Please line up. These workers will help you if you need anything. Their names are Peter Ballard and Stella Harper." Papa said. The kids were so young. Is that what me and Henry looked like?" Their numbers were 003, 004, and 005.

A/n remember. 003 in this story is actually 002 in the real stranger things. 

I was so distracted by the kids, I didn't realize that Henry was staring at me the whole time. 

"Are you ok Peter?" I asked. He looked like he had snapped out of a trance.

"Yes. I'm fine." He said. 

♥️A Killer and a Psychopath♥️ (Stranger Things 001/ Henry / Vecna x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now