beware beware be skeptical

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Kiyo's pov
Finally coming out of the café I glanced back at my older brother as he gave me a cheeky smile. He may be a wolf and I a fox but he still kind of intimidates me. Either way you look at it he's my predator and I'm his prey, siblings or not. I wearily smiled back now stuck with that very thought fresh in my mind. He's like the big bad wolf and I red riding Hood, suspicious I know. Yet what we were was still unknown to our parents nonetheless we liked it that way. Both of us knew that soon enough we'll have to tell them but for now we want to keep our family together...for one last time. I glanced up at my brother scanning him once more, sun golden messy hair accompanied with bitter pale green eyes that matched his slightly tanned skin. While looking at myself with my albino straight hair and my strawberry red Ruby eyes matching that with my peach like skin. It's almost unreal. We looked nothing alike but some magical unicorn said we were siblings no doubt. Crazy? I know but the thing is my brother is wearing contacts! So yes, his eyes are red he doesn't take too keen on hurting people all that much for something as little as staring at his natural eyes though he still got annoyed so much he changed to contacts. I still Get annoyed at such people just staring it's troublesome but kids it's okay for them to stare they're cute. Finally the part where you get to know ALL about us you little stalker you dear reader~! ( PSST KIYO! STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL) I totally will just ignore that voice! So as you know my name is Kiyo Tetsuya kuruko Evans, my brother is Kyo hatsuke monomi Evans. We're both crimson eyed 16 year olds who has no idea of what is the term to be called ' life ' . Basically our relationship is like Sora and Shiro from no game no life ( great anime btw I highly suggest it ) . I guess you could say it only makes sense on how we're this close after what happened to us. But our past is for another time and place it's for sure not now. Finally we made it back home and for the first time in centuries our parents are finally home! When we stepped in father came and hugged me tightly while mother did the same older brother. Calming down a bit of our excitement my parents and older brother went to the dining room whilst I stayed to close and lock the doors..maybe take one of those cupcakes on the table...
"DON'T EAT ANY OF THOSE CUPCAKES KIYO!" I heard mum yell from the dining room as I gulped dammit! Caught again! I thought sighing this has happened every time we catch them home. When will I ever devour those cupcakes? After closing the doors and double checking to make sure they're locked I halfway jogged to the dining room and sat beside older brother.
" So we have just gotten back from our business trip in Europe! We brought A LOT of stuff back for you guys but now let's put that aside." Mum stated handing out dinner "yes, we found a high school for you guys! It's during the night time and a bit far away so you'll be able to ride your motorcycles there." Father said sternly but with a grin on his face. What a weird combination.. Nodding I glanced at Kyo-nii and saw he was just as excited. "What's the name of the school?" We asked in synchronization " Ryoutei Academy and it's a NIGHT school naturally you two know the hours" he said casually as we both nodded. "Since your uniforms will take some time to be made to fit your sizes the principal said where what you like for 2 days." He said eating. This will take some getting used to but I guess I'll get used to it after all my own parents are vampires all on their own.

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