why did O join the book clud and what happened between him and L

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Heads up. This is probably gonna be the only AU I made where O and L aren't together nor buddy's. Warning: very toxic relationship.. You have been warned.

It was a bright day. O and L were doing pranks on N and F including loving each other until a few hours later L wanted to do a prank where the clone N and kill the real N so F doesn't know he's with the clone. Even for O it was to extreme but instead of agreeing and doing something else

 Even for O it was to extreme but instead of agreeing and doing something else

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L pulled a knife on O. O was confused and for the first time, scared. L took it as an advantage and used it to manipulate him so O wouldn't leave. This went for 12 months until O finally stepped up and ended it. O confess that he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore which

 O confess that he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore which

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made L very sour and slam the door.

O was left there

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O was left there. Confused and felt guilty. He doesn't know what to do in this situation so it made him isolate himself from everyone to see of that would make him feel better. He did get phone calls from his two none-blood related siblings (aka K and V) and from M. O wasn't in the right state of mind. 4 weeks later though O went outside of his house to get fresh air and lay in the grass until he noticed he gotten mail

 4 weeks later though O went outside of his house to get fresh air and lay in the grass until he noticed he gotten mail

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It was from Q. Q wanted him to join the book club to cope. Of course O wasn't sure how that helped but around 4 PM he left his house and headed to the library. When he walked in, Q welcomed him with open arms. The others welcomed him too. Later O and Q went to a table and asked O about his interest. O's interest was mostly about horror books that included humor. Q knew what book and gave him a book called "Blood stars". O didn't think it would help his mental state but surprisingly did.

 O didn't think it would help his mental state but surprisingly did

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When the others notice O's healing progress. They made sure that he knows that they are happy for him.

I don't know why R looks like he's kicking O I'm sorry my dear ball boy

You may ask any question you want.

Also yes L replaced O with Â.

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