Chapter 4

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  The next day Jack gets ready for work while I get ready to do nothing. We already rehearsed what Jack is going to tell the boss about Boaz's absence, yes I've accepted my fate and now I shall be addressed as Emelia Brown.

After Jack leaves for work I decide to watch a movie but on a second thought why don't I go out and enjoying myself, the fact that I have been transformed into a lady doesn't mean that I can't enjoy myself anymore. I put on a tight orange gown that has a deep V-cut neck to show off my new feminine curves but I stay away from makeup because I might end up looking like a clown. I take one last look at myself to make sure I look hot before stepping out.

The first place I go to is a bar to drink away my sorrows don't worry I won't get drunk. I order a drink and sit alone looking and feeling so pathetic I mean by this time I would normally be at work as a guy but here I am in a bar wearing a gown as a lady isn't it so pathetic?
While I'm still drinking, a hideous guy approaches me. "Hey pretty lady." He greets taking a sit next to me. I kid you not the stench from this guy almost knocks me out because this hideous thing smells like a rotting corpse.

"Eww! how do you walk around smelling like that? with that odour you should be arrested because you are assaulting my nose." I say covering my nose with my hand kerchief

"That is so rude. How dare you little slut." He yells

"I can't talk to you anymore because one more word from you and I'll pass out" I say before turning around to leave but the guy grabs my wrist and smacks me hard across the face shocking me. I stand there in shock at how a guy would be immature enough to hit a lady. I turn around to leave in embarrassment because instead of helping, people just stare like it's a movie.

Immediately I turn my back to leave I hear a crashing sound and a boom! like someone being punched making me turn around. I turn around to see the guy on the floor with his hand on his bleeding nose. "Never hit a lady." A feminine voice says. I look up to see that the person who kicked his butt  is a lady, not just any lady it's my lady, Ashley the love of my life. She runs over to me to make sure I'm fine which I'm not because I just got slapped by a crazy dude

"Are you okay?" She asks with a concerned look in her eyes

"No I'm not but wow, seeing how you fought for me the pains I was feeling just disappeared." I reply with a smile

"I'm glad to hear that. I hate seeing guys mistreat ladies because they can." She says with a frown

"Yeah it's sick." I agree realizing that I'm guilty of what she just said.

"I'm Ashley" She introduces herself extending a hand for a handshake

"I'm Emelia" I reply giving her a handshake.

After the introduction I and Ashley take a walk around town since I'm jobless and she has the day off. It turns out that she's actually very nice and not as scary as I thought she was she obviously hate Boaz so we'll hide Boaz's secret from her. After sometime she gets a call from her mum so she unfortunately has to leave but before she leaves she drops her number and tells me to give her a call if I ever feel like hanging out with her again which excites me because as Boaz I've been trying to get her attention for years without succeeding but as Emilia I didn't even have to try so hard all I had to do was to go to a bar and get harassed by that animal. She's right guys should not abuse or mistreat ladies just because they can which is why I might have to call it quits on my Playboy lifestyle.

Anyways after she leaves I head home since it's almost closing hours at the office and Jack will be home soon I can't wait to tell him about my crazy amazing day. At home I prepare something for myself to eat forgetting Jack but while eating I start feeling guilty because Jack has been nothing but nice to me and all I have done to pay him back is unkindness. I finish up my food and prepare something for Jack, I also do some house chores because I'm not heartless....wait I'm doing the job of a lady does that mean I'm slowly becoming one? no it can't be.

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