Chapter 3: Magical Particles

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Aditya, Rajesh and Qora have crossed the first puzzle of Riddle Master but they are yet to through many challenges.


The trio enters a new chamber, where there's a holographic inscription that floats in the air.

The trio enters a new chamber, where there's a holographic inscription that floats in the air

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Riddle Master (voice echoing): Particles are everywhere after all. But are you capable of penetrating the wall?

They look around and see a transparent wall that spans the entire width of the chamber. It seems to be made of some kind of energy field that blocks their way.

Rajesh: What wall? I don't see any wall.

Aditya: It's right there, Rajesh. Don't you see the faint blue glow?

Qora: It's a holographic wall, Rajesh. It's not solid, but it's not empty either. It has potential energy barrier that prevents us from passing through.

Rajesh: A potential energy barrier? What does that mean?

Qora: It means that we need a certain amount of energy to overcome the barrier and reach the other side. If we don't have enough energy, we will bounce back.

Aditya: Like a ball rolling up a hill. If it doesn't  have enough speed, it will roll down.

Rajesh: I see. So how do we get enough energy to pass through the wall?

Qora: That's the puzzle, Rajesh. We have to figure out how to do it.

Rajesh: Well, let's try it then. Maybe we can just run through it.

Rajesh runs towards the wall, hoping to break through it with his momentum. He collides with the wall and is thrown back by an invisible force. He lands on the floor with a thud.

Rajesh: Ouch! That wall seems solid, I can't pass through.

Aditya: Are you okay, Rajesh?

Rajesh: Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bruised.

Qora: Rajesh, you can't just run through the wall. You need to align your energy frequency with the wall's frequency.

Rajesh: Align my what with what?

Qora: Your energy frequency, Rajesh. Everything in this universe has a wave nature, including you and me. We vibrate at a certain frequency, just like sound waves or light waves.

Rajesh: Okay...

Qora: And so does the wall. It has a specific frequency that determines its barrier height. If we want to pass through the wall, we need to match our frequency with its frequency.

Rajesh: How do we do that?

Qora: Well, that's the tricky part. We need to find something that can help us change our frequency.

Aditya: Something like a crystal?

Aditya points at a crystal that is lying on the floor among some rocks. It emits a vibrant, pulsating light pattern that catches their eyes.

Rajesh: A crystal? What crystal?

Aditya: That crystal over there, Rajesh. Don't you see it?

Rajesh walks towards the crystal and picks it up. He examines it curiously.

Rajesh: Wow! This crystal is amazing! It radiates a specific light pattern that changes colors every second. Wait a minute!

As he is holding the crystal and walking casually, he stumbles upon another rock and hits the holographic wall again accidentally – this time passing through it effortlessly.

Aditya: Rajesh, you passed through the wall!

Rajesh stands stunned on the other side of the wall with the crystal in his hand. He looks back at his friends, who are still on this side of the wall.

Rajesh: What? How did I do that?

Aditya: You did it, Rajesh! You solved the puzzle!

Qora: Yes, you did! You used the crystal to change your frequency and pass through the wall!

Rajesh: I did? How?

Qora: The crystal emits a specific light pattern that corresponds to the energy frequency needed to pass through the holographic wall. By holding the crystal and touching the wall, you aligned your frequency with its frequency and tunneled through it.

Rajesh: Tunneled through it? What does that mean?

Qora: It means that you used a quantum phenomenon called quantum tunneling, where particles can overcome barriers by aligning their frequencies. Quantum tunneling is a consequence of the wave nature of matter, where particles behave like waves and can penetrate barriers that they normally can't. It's like a wave passing through a slit or a gap.

Rajesh: Wow! That's amazing! I didn't know that was possible!

Qora: It is possible, Rajesh. But it's very rare and unlikely. The probability of tunneling through a barrier decreases exponentially with the barrier height, the barrier width, and the particle's mass. That's why we don't see it in everyday life. But in the quantum realm, where particles are very small and barriers are very thin, tunneling is more common and observable.

Aditya: Quantum tunneling is very important in physics, Rajesh. It explains many phenomena such as nuclear fusion, radioactive decay, and superconductivity. It also has many applications such as the tunnel diode, quantum computing, flash memory, and the scanning tunneling microscope.

Rajesh: Wow! That's fascinating!

Aditya: Come on, guys. Let's pass through the wall and move on to the next challenge.

Aditya and Qora pass through the wall by holding the crystal and touching it. They join Rajesh on the other side of the chamber.

Riddle Master: Impressive understanding. The second gate opens.


🌟🌟Fun Fact🌟🌟

Did you know that quantum tunneling is one of the most important and surprising phenomena in quantum physics? It occurs when a particle passes through a barrier that it does not have enough energy to overcome according to classical physics. For example, an electron can escape from an atom or a nucleus by tunneling through its potential barrier. Quantum tunneling is responsible for many physical processes such as nuclear fusion in stars, radioactive decay of nuclei, chemical reactions in enzymes, and electrical conduction in semiconductors.

🌸🌸Author's Note🌸🌸

Hey lovely readers!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are curious to see what challenges await our heroes in their quest for the Quantastra. 😊

As Aditya and Rajesh uncover the solution to the mysterious crystal wall, reflect on a time when you overcame an obstacle by stumbling upon an unexpected solution

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Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read, engage, and be a part of this literary journey. Your presence here makes all the hard work worth it. 📚💖

Stay awesome,

Mystical Whisperer

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