Chapter 14: A Date and the Truth

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I sighed and flicked my tail back and forth in anticipation. It was almost time for Tempest's date, and I was waiting for her to come back from her study session with Nightwave.

I was reading one of my scrolls when Nightwave and Tempest patted into the common cave, I looked up and winked at the SeaWing, who blushed and lowered her head, staring down at her talons in embarrassment.

I sighed: I was booored. I had finished all of my homework for the week, so I had nothing to do. "Hey, Ermine. Whatcha doinn?" Tempest asked, as she took a seat next to me. I just shrugged my wings in response. Tempest just sighed quietly at me, and I went back to reading my scroll.

"Um, hey, Tempest? Don't you have a date with Evergreen tonight?" I asked and Tempest bolted up in shock she scrambled to her talons as she stared at me with wide aqua green eyes. "Three Moons! I almost forgot. I need to get ready." Tempest exclaimed. She then went to her bag and she put two sapphire chains around her horns, and she put a sapphire necklace around her neck.

"What are you guys gonna do?" Ermine asked me curiously. I just shrugged. 

"I dunno, we'll figure it out." I said, giving a sheepish grin and Ermine just laughed quietly in response.


I push my wings off the ground as hard as I can to get them moving, and soar through the open sky. The sun had set, emitting a dim golden glow across the flooded plains. The crescent moon glinted on the other side of the horizon.

When I finally arrived to where me and Evergreen had decided to meet up, I smiled brightly when I saw that he was already there and waiting for me.

"Wow! Evergreen, when did you lean to glide from trees? It's sooo FUN!" I yelled, we had been Tree-gliding for a few hours. "So... what are we going to do after this?" I asked, as I looked up at Peacemaker with a warm smile, we had taken a break to catch our breath, we were now sitting in a really really tall tree, and luck for us... the sun was just beginning to set.

"Three moons! The sunset is so gorgeous!" I exclaimed cheerfully, I was resting my head on Evergreen's shoulder. "Hey, Tempest. Tempest, C'mon, wake up. It's getting pretty late - we should probably be heading back now." I slowly opened my eyes to see that it was already dark. With a surprised yelp, I quickly scrambled away from Evergreen, my face heating up in embarrassment as I stared down at my talons and twitched my tail back and forth nervously.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mea-" But Evergreen pulled me into a tight and comforting embrace. "I really had fun today. And... I really want to spend more time with you, Evergreen. I-I-I l-love you." I said quietly, mumbling the last part. But apparently, Evergreen had heard m, and I stared down at my talons in embarrassment, and I felt my ears growing hot as I stared back up Evergreen, who just smiled kindly at me.

I was skipping happily back to the common cave, Nightwave and Ermine both turned to me with a curious looks on their faces.

"I assume that smile means that the date went well?" The IceWing asked, and I giggled happily. "Tell us! Tell us! Come on! Com on!" Nightwave exclaimed excitedly. I sighed and shook my head in found amusement at my two best friends.

"How about she tells us in the morning? It's already late enough as it is." Willow pointed out, as she gestured outside to prove her point.

"That's a good idea, Willow." I said, give a small smile in Willow's direction, causing the RainWing's scales to turn a rosy pink in embarrassment. I laughed quietly and patted Willow on the shoulder with my tail.

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