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I stared on the mirror, frowning.
My hair was pinned into a swirling bun, little curls of blonde hair framing my face. My dress was wine red, with a deep V-cut and a mermaid silhouette.
Would he like it? Would he think it was ugly? I shook away my nerves. What the hell was i concerned about? We were going as friends.
I tottered down the steps of the stairs like some niche American romance movie.

Jacob Black stood at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes glimmering as they trail over my body and, eventually, to my face. He grinned confidently, but his hands fidgeted at his sides.
His black suit curved around his body, wrapping around his tiny waist and over his huge shoulders. A watch clipped around his wrist, and a small rose sat in his breast pocket to match my dress.
He inhaled shakily.
"You look beautiful." He said gently.
I smiled giddily.
"So do you, Jacob Black."
My aunt is nowhere to be seen; she obviously can't handle intimacy.

We walk down the steps of the porch together, his hand wrapped securely around my waist as if i was a china doll; so fragile anything could break me.
He laughed sheepishly. "Have you ever been on the back of a motorbike?"

His sparkling red bike sat infront of us dauntingly. I laughed. "Not to prom, no."
He guided me to the back, and leaped on the front, revving the engine. He passed me a helmet, and as soon as he secured his own to his head, he took off like a formula one driver.
I squealed, wrapping my arms around his warm torso. When my hands reached his chest, i could feel his heart racing.

And to myself, i wondered if we were really going as friends. The thought made my heart falter; was this all just becuase we were friends, because he pitied me? My grip on his waist loosened.

We pulled to a stop outside of Quillayute Prep. He swung off of the bike, pulling his helmet off of his gorgeous face. And gorgeous it was; illuminated by the warm lights of the orchard, his eyes twinkled as he lifted me into his arms. I glanced away, earning a low chuckle from the werewolf as he pulled mine from my cheeks.

"Are you nervous?" He said as we stood in line for our cheesy photo.
"About the picture, or prom?" I questioned. We smiled fakely at the camera for a moment, and the shutter clicked.
"About her." He pointed at Ada Perkins in the distance. She was already staring at Jacob; arm in arm with a boy i'd never seen before. I scoffed.
"You were listening? Wow, Jacob. That's not even funny." I flushed, remembering my words.
"So is she going to be trying to steal Jacob away from me all night?"

"Sorry. You're a loud talker." He snickered. I jabbed him in the side. "But forreal, i thought you liked her so i didn't tell you. I'm sorry."
"Definitely not. So.. Are you worried about Joseph Arrow?" Jake sighed.
"You got me there."
The room was completely lit by bright, neon lights and disco balls hanging from the ceiling.
"I'm worried about many more boys than him." He whispered huskily.

I lead Jake through the crowd, our fingers knitted together. I shook off my nerves. I'm worried about many more boys than him? I composed myself. The talking and the music and the warmth was already overwhelming.

We slumped into two free seats at one of the circular tables. As i sat down, Jacob froze in the air.
"What's wrong?" I questioned. I followed his gaze.
Joseph Arrow, again, with his stupid grin and a girl i'd never seen before glued to his side. How ironic. He paid no mind to her, his eyes on my cleavage. I shifted uncomfortably. Jacob separated the two of us. I fiddled with my hair uncomfortably.

"He's sick." Jake muttered, looking over his shoulder.
"It's fine Jacob. We have to sit now."
"He's staring at your.. if he makes you feel uncomfortable again, just say the word." Jacob's jaw clenched, his nostrils flaring.
"Calm down." I said in my most velvety, gentle voice i could muster. His gaze softened to me. "Sorry." He mumbled.

And so we sat, Joseph Arrow's eyes not leaving my revealed chest. I cleared my throat.
"So Jake, about Ada. I-"
"Looking beautiful California."
Jake's brow furrowed in disgust. He waited for my reply to the brunette boy.
"Thanks." I said flatly.
"So, what's this about you guys sleeping together? Seems a bit overboard if you guys have to take a whole day off to fuck." My eyes were wide open. Jake inhaled deeply, his eyes burning with anger.

"If you're going to go to prom, pay attention to your own date." He snapped.
His hand gripped my thigh under the table. This day was just getting more and more confusing. From Joseph's angle to my side, he had a perfect view. Jake stared at him, rubbing little circles into the red fabric. My fingers latched onto his arm, his warmth surrounding me. Joseph's stare hardened.

"How about you let your little girlfriend make her own choices instead of you clinging onto her like you're five years old?"
And he stood up, the warmth leaving my body. Joseph strided over, and the two were face to face. I turned around in my chair in dismay.
"Cut that shit out right now." I hissed, standing up.
Jacob towered over Joseph by at least seven inches, but the boy didn't falter. Some whispered near the table.

"You try anything she doesn't like, and I'll kill you bro." Jacob growled. Joseph laughed.
"Let her decide then. I whiny little shit like you or a guy who might actually graduate this year."

And they turned to me expectantly with begging eyes. I swallowed, biting my lip.
"You guys.."
"Attention everybody, bring your conversations to an end, and your food to a halt, the final dance will be in just a minute." The loudspeakers blared. Other students rose to their feet immediately, the chatter and excitement filling the room.

What was i even thinking about? It was obviously Jacob any day of the week. And the pieces connected together in my mind. He liked me. He liked me so much he would argue for me. He would protect my privacy for me. My eyes widened at my new found knowledge.

I stared at Joseph Arrow for a minute, and with that he scoffed in disbelief.
"Jake." I said shyly, reaching for his hand. He clung to it dearly.
"Let's go, Sadie." I nodded slowly, red hues lighting my cheeks. Jacob puffed out his chest proudly, his face also dusted a light pink as he guided me to the dancefloor. His hands wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how to think in situations like that. I'd choose you over anyone" I mumbled. Jake grinned at me.
"You'd choose me over anyone?" His eyes twinkled with pride. I nodded. "Yeah."
A wide grin slowly spread across Jacob's face; he seemed extremely pleased with himself.

And the music began. As he took me in his arms, i recognised the tune. Sparks by Coldplay. Cheesy.
We swayed gently.

"Hello." He looked at me inquisitively.
"Thank you. For everything." He grinned, shaking his head. "Forget it."
"I'm serious." My thumb reached for his lips. He blinked slowly. "For a girl you had known less than two weeks, that was really nice. I didn't know.. anyone."

"It was my pleasure." He sighed. We spun around the dancefloor. "I'm gonna miss you."
"I'll still come over idiot. Your bed is really comfy."
We looked at eachother for a long moment, both smirking. I felt giddy as he closed the gap.
"I like you Sadie."

He said it. My eyes widened. Up until that moment, without Jacob i felt like i was lost, tripping over my feet with no destination. But when i was with him; i knew, deep down, i liked him a lot. Wether it was the spikes of black hair or the tan skin, or his gentle hands or his selflessness, I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe i had liked everything about him all along.

"I like you too."
He threw his other arm around me, crushing me into his chest, binding me to him. I inhaled his musky smell, and melted into his arms. I pulled away slowly, his eyes watching me protectively. His lips looked so delicious right now. Was i really going to do this?

I edged closer, and his eyes fluttered shut as he broke the gap and pressed his lips into mine.
My fingers raked through his hair, and this was when i knew i had fallen too deep for Jacob Black.

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