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I slumped on a table next to Jacob. I frowned at the wall, glancing to Jacob. His jaw is tight, and he stared out the window nonchalantly.
"Are you going to watch me all day?" He laughed flatly.
"You wish."

Mr Sans walked through the door slowly. He crossed his arms awkwardly and sighed.
"Alright you two. I can sense.. some tensions. I know an after school detention is a bit much, but you need to resolve this in the half an hour."
I groaned, running my fingers through my hair. Jacob exhaled loudly.
"You cannot be serious."
"Hey, hey. You guys have always been close, you can sort out the issue or go clean the lunch hall. There was a food fight and i guarantee that you won't want-"

I was already out the door, striding to the lunch hall. Talk it out? I laughed to myself. I would rather die.
I glanced over my shoulder. Jacob was hot on my heels. There was no way.

I wandered into the supply closet, finally finding a moment of peace. I smiled.
Jacob Black leaned over me, so big that he blacked out the glass strip of the door; squinting at me curiously.

"Get out!" I hissed
He blinked, his face going blank with surprise.
"No," he protested. "I came with you to apologise."
"I don't accept!"
He rolled his eyes. "Why are you so difficult all the time?"
"I'm not being difficult, I'm being expressive." I snapped, picking up a broom.

"So you're being difficult."
"You wanna know what's difficult? Kissing a boy and then finding out he's been secretly meeting up with a girl everyone still thinks you're dating."
He followed me into the lunch hall, swinging a mop inbetween his fingers.

"It's not like that. Me and Bella are friends. You wouldn't understand."
"I slept under the same roof as werewolves and went to a party with vampires. So don't pull that shit on me." I muttered, brushing the remains of a banana into the bin.
"Okay fine. I'll explain it to you."

He sat on top of a lunch table, and i pretended to sweep near him. He was fidgeting in the corner of my eye - i could see him frowning - and i concentrated on watching the pidgeons out the dining room windows roosting in the trees.
"Bella was from Arizona, and i knew her because our dad's are friends. But she fell in love with a vampire. Edward. And i liked her too.."

"There we go." I muttered.
"I'm not done." He snapped.
"But she loved him. A lot. And she married Edward cullen. Alice and Jasper Cullen are his adopted siblings."
"And then they went on their honeymoon, and Bella got pregnant and had a baby with Edward. But since she's a new vampire, she had to break the news to her dad and leave town. So i haven't seen her in months."

"She was my best friend, but it's not like that anymore after everything. And.. i thought i loved her. But now..." we stared at eachother for a moment. His eyes were softer now, rich and gentle. I bit down on my lip. "You don't want to hear my sob story."

The bell rang for the end of our detention. He glanced up at the clock, and back down at me.
"See you tomorrow. Or whatever." Was all i could mumble.

I sat, cross legged on my bed in hesitation. I wanted to call him so bad, and to hear his voice again.
It was embarrassing how bad the five days we didn't speak damaged me; every day i had dreamed of him kissing me like he did at Prom, when we went as 'friends'.
I wanted him next to me. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair. I wanted to kiss his face . I wanted to tell him i loved him.
He had me wrapped around his finger.

"Fuck it." I whispered under my breath. The worst that could happen is he would say no.
The phone rang once.
"Hey Sadie." He said shyly.
"Hi Jake. Are you.. busy right now?" The other line rustled like he had sat up. "No. Can i come over?"
I grinned. "Please do."
"See you in five."
"Be safe, call me when you're outside!" And the phonecall disconnected. I sighed in relief. That was easy. Now Jacob Black was coming over.

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