Chapter 13

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Olive woke to a water-stained drop ceiling and the smell of dust and old beer. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, only noticing after that they were caked in crusty blood. Jake's blood. She was naked. There was an old flannel shirt hanging off the door and she pulled that on. Although terrified to see what was happening on the other side of the door, she knew she had to. She slipped into the bathroom first and washed up, remembering how it had only been a few weeks since she'd been in this dingy washroom. It felt like a thousand years. Only this time, she knew Jake was dead. Once clean as she could be, she yanked the door open and went out into the bar.

The first thing she noticed was no trace of Jake, no blood or body, and in place of that was the searing smell of bleach. Eamon drank at the end of the bar, the young bartender was washing glasses, and the bikers and Buck were sitting at a table with Charity.

Buck noticed Olive first and stood, "How are you doing?" He said.

"I'll survive. Guess we don't have to worry about Jake anymore." She wasn't sure if she was going to laugh or cry. Buck pulled her into a tight hug. "How's Charity doing?" She said into his chest.

"She's had a rough time of it. But I think she'll be okay." Buck said. 

Charity met Olive's eyes, her face bruised and swollen, her mascara running, and she smiled, "I'm going to need more fucking whiskey."


A few hours later, Charity was sitting on the front step of Buck's cabin staring out at the sunset. Olive sat down beside her and handed her a glass of wine. They'd finished a nice civilized dinner managing to not talk about all the terrifying things they should have. There would be time for that.

"So, you're a werewolf now," Charity said. "In a town of werewolves."


"And Jake is really dead this time?"


Charity exhaled loudly, "Well, then it's all over.  Now anyone fucks with you, well, you can tear out their throats and eat them."

"Yup." Olive repeated, one side of her mouth curling into a smile. "I'm sorry you had to see all that."

"Don't be sorry. He would have killed us."

"Yeah. Still doesn't feel great to have killed a person."

"Hey, I love you, Olive. You saved us today it was self-defense. And he deserved it and more. "

"I love you too. You scared of me?"

"No. I mean, yes that was crazy as hell today. And I will never piss you off... but I know you are still in there. Still my Olive. Even as a wolf, I could see you peeking out."

The two friends hugged tightly. Then they watched the sunset.

As the sun dipped below the tree line, the sky a riot of violets, oranges, and electric pinks, Olive felt herself relax for the first time she could remember. She released a breath and out with it came so much pain and fear and poison. She felt lighter and cleaner.

At some point, Buck came out and sat beside them. Without thinking too much, Olive slid her hand over to him and he took it. The simple gesture meant so much, for so long she had been reaching out into space for some touchstone. Always alone, always floating. His hand was warm and calloused. She felt Charity on her other side. She didn't know what the future held, but for that moment, no matter how fleeting, she felt safe and loved.

After so much nothing, it was something.  

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