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SPIDER-WOMAN sat down on the roof, her black and white mask covering her (E/C). She hunched her back as she watched the construction sight below. She knew something was going to be going on tonight. Her gut told her.

As she waited, she looked up at the stars. They were always beautiful, even before her uncle died. She lowered her head and lifted her mask just above her lips and nose. The air was a bit chilly for a spring night. She tapped her white ballet shoes back and forth as she waited.

Her suit was all black and white, even the zip-up jacket she wore sometimes. She wanted none of her enemies to see her when she attacked.

A loud bang suddenly made he instantly pull down her mask. She jumped up and looked down at the docks. Men, at least ten, stood down there. They look like they were trying to pull the container apart.

(Y/N) smirked a little bit before she jumped down. Barley, any nlise cane out.

"Well, gentlemen, isn't it fabulous to see you guys tonight!" She joked before they all turned and looked at her. She shot her hand out to the nearest guy, slamming him into the container. Shots began to fire at her as she avoided them with ease. She shot her weebs out at them, causing some of them to get stuck together.

" Let's go! I got it!" One of them screamed as he ran to the van. (Y/N) started to run after him before being tackled into the water.

The water was cold, too cold for her liking as she began to hit the man that took her down. She was let go as soon as she slammed her fist into his skull. She pulled him and herself up. She looked around, realizing the car was gone.

" damn it!" She mutters angrily. She looked at the passed out dudes before sighing. She shot her web slinger at them, pulling them all into a group, and hung them above the construction site so the police could see them. As the sirens neared, she jumped away from the scene. She didn't want the police to see her at the momen. She would be asked too many questions that she didn't have the answer to at the moment.

As she swung across the city, many people waved at her. She became a known name to the city due to her always being the hero they needed. Like what Uncle ben told her they needed.

She landed softly on the roof of her apartment. She slowly and quietly opened her window and climbed through. She sighed as she took off her mask. Her (H/T) fell out of the mask, letting it finally ' breath'. The house was silent. It was almost always near silent ever since ben died. Her mom doesn't take grieving well, so she focused more on her job than ever.

She sat down on her bed after she changed out of her suit. She looked stronger, probably from junping roof to roof and using upper body strength. (Y/N) pulled out her phone, seeing a text from april. It was probably about a new lead.

Hint, it was. April knew she was spider-woman after catching her in the suit. The day she got bitten, (Y/N) never told anyone. Not even April. April wanted prom to be back on, and when she discovered that (Y/N) was spider-woman, she came up with stories about "Super-Fly" and soon the two teenagers became more close than ever.

As (Y/N) turned off her phone, she looked out at the sky once more. The streets were a bit calmer, but they were never quiet. She smiled a little bit as the stars twinkled above in the night sky. As she turned to face the wall, she looked down.

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